Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Most Common Diagnosed Depression Disorders - 1387 Words

It’s normal to feel down in the dumps every so often but, if it affects daily life activities you may have depression. Depression is when a person is excessively sad, anxious, or apathetic for a certain amount of time. There are other symptoms to classify depression but the main ones would be a consent feeling of sadness and the thought of suicide or death. When depression is consumed by a person it may be difficult to revert them without the assistance of treatments such as: Anti-depressants, Psychotherapy, electric shock, interpersonal, psycho dynamic and cognitive behavioral. Major depression is one of the most common diagnosed depression disorders. This is led by a chemical change in the brain due to problems within your genetic†¦show more content†¦(Psych center, 2014) Bipolar disorder also described as manic depressive illness, in which the brain causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and the ability to carry out day to day tasks. Bipolar disorde r comes with manic episodes that bring extreme happiness , extreme irritability, hyper activity, little to no sleep and racing thoughts. Which create the inability to enjoy normal pleasurable activities and all lead to the feeling of sadness, hopelessness and helplessness. (Grohol, 2014) Seasonal affective disorder is known to be common in the fall and ending in the spring but worsens in the winter. It usually occurs in response to the decrease of sunlight that is experienced with winters time change. Because of the lack of light you tend to upset your â€Å"Biological clock† which controls your sleep to wake pattern. Another problem that arises is your brain signals a hormonal chemical by the name of Serotonin which affects your mood. Even though all disorders are similar in some cases seasonal affective disorder goes away within the next time change when the daylight gets longer and comes back when the daylight gets shorter. Psychotic depression disorder which stems from se vere depression with some type of psychosis. Psychosis is a change in personality, distorted vision or a nonexistent sense towards reality. Similar to psychotic depression, which causes the constant feeling of delusions and hallucinations. People that

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