Thursday, October 31, 2019

Consider the state of the American Public School System. Put forward Essay

Consider the state of the American Public School System. Put forward an argument on the topic.Can you suggest a solution - Essay Example However, the decentralization makes it difficult to deal issues pertaining to school reforms (William J. Reese, 2). The current public educational system is piled up with issues not just pertaining to classrooms or corridors but resulting in the failure of American public education system. This failure cannot be made accountable to the performance of the students but the entire system that is responsible for the declining performance. (John Hood, Volume: 43). Many factors were being considered to hinder the public education like money or funds, poverty, class size, teachers, salaries of teachers, student’s performance and teachers unions etc. (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 3) increasing the rate of drop outs and unqualified students for future. Even today certain percent of unskilled and drop out students exists which increases the relocation of more qualified professionals from outside the country. Considering the growing competition parents coming from a middle or higher cl ass prefer to educate their children in private funding institutions that provide high standards of education while vast numbers of lower class children attend public schools. Funds: People assume that lack of funds has resulted in failure of public educational system which is a myth. ... unds while improved nutritional programs like arrangements of breakfast or lunch increased the expenditure to an extent, added to these issues the â€Å"no child left behind† policy is yet to be met (Amy Richards, 24th October 2011). Teachers and Unions: Teachers have their unions to support and protect them no matter how incompetent they are while their â€Å"tenure† guarantees the job safety until retirement without considering their performance. They are given salaries with no rewards of excellence and are not penalized for their poor performance due to which every teacher performs the same (B. Awesome, 30th May 2011). Training needs to be provided to those under performing teachers to improve their ability to teach. Teachers who lack to improve their performance levels even after rigorous training should be removed while qualified and hardworking teachers can bring reform in the public education system to certain extent should be provided with a performance based wa ges and incentives. Society Influences: Many students who tend to drop out of high schools are not skilled enough to work in a technologically advanced workplace. Those who have dropped out of high school earn less salary than students who graduated from high school. Dropped out students usually live in poverty and depend upon welfare (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 95). Societal influences like poverty and bad parenting also results in poor performance. Successful public schools are in the area where the rich and wealthy reside, while worst or unsuccessful public schools belong to the areas where poor families live (Valerie Strauss, Washington Post). Children dealing with poverty can afford to attend these unsuccessful schools where they are not provided with proper resources. Class Size: Some believe

Monday, October 28, 2019

Evolution of Capitalism Essay Example for Free

Evolution of Capitalism Essay Capitalism is an economic process in which the means of production are privately owned; supply, demand and price are generally formed by market forces not by an economic planning; and profit it is distributed to holder of means of production who invest in businesses. Capitalism also refers to the process of capital accumulation. Evolution of Capitalism Economists mostly focused on the degree that government does not have control over markets (laissez faire), and on private property rights, while most of political economists focused on private property, wage labor, class and power relations. It is clear that there is a general statement that capitalism encourages economic growth. The present collapse of the global economy puts a serious question such as: Is current economic arrangement fundamentally sound, needing only slight correctives, or has it reached its restrictions, requiring fundamental rethinking? American economic thinking for the last 35 year has been a hijacking of the evolutionary growth of capitalism that could offer sustainable economics. The word â€Å"economics† comes from two Greek words, oikos or â€Å"house† and nomos, â€Å"one who manages,† so etymologically economics has a wide meaning, incredibly like â€Å"concerned for the household. † The reason of our economy is to be concerned for our ordinary household, what are the principles that should direct our modernism? Sufficient care for the national household must give at a minimum: †¢ A job for everybody who can support a family †¢ Good quality education for each of our children †¢ Sufficient universal health care †¢ Essential safety for old age or in the occasion of unemployment or illness, and †¢ Environmental sustainability. Monopoly Capitalism A large part of capitalism is determined by monopoly. The term monopoly has always been a feature of capitalism and capitalist competition presumes monopoly. This capitalist competition has further led to the centralization and concentration. For Marx: Capital is here directly endowed with the form of social capital (a capital of directly associated individuals), as distinguished from private capital, and its enterprises assume the form of social enterprises as distinguished from individual enterprises. It is the abolition of capital as private property within the boundaries of capitalist production itself. - ( as cited by Mattick, 2010) The monopoly capitalism made a pathway for a Socialist society. Lenin argued The socialist society as a huge factory steered by the state. â€Å"There are surplus of manufactured goods, of labor, and of farm produce: â€Å"always too much, but never too little†. (Baran Sweezy, 1966). One of the discussed solutions was to cutting the production whereas other was in favor of stimulating demand, The price cut for the surplus can result to vanishing of the over production where consumers and manufacturers would benefit. However this would have consequences on the overall viability of the industry (Baran Sweezy, 1966). Banking Capitalism In any world financial system market, banks hold a very important position in money manufacture and speculation. Banks are the only most significant mediator for indirect money across the world. The securities (such as stocks and bonds) market is also another important ubiquitous presence for direct finance. However, usually growths and gains in importance ‘Pari Passu’ with financial growth; in common, the higher the per capita income, banks securities play higher source of the business investment and it also make clear that securities engage greater economic risks than bank loans. If we take a case of America than its economic has became more dependent on securities than on bank for business development. Due to large form of pension, mutual funds American estimated to be shareholders in way or the other. As being a developed country American financial industry development is world most famous and undisputed leader in innovation in certain areas of the securitization and derivative and due to this American market securities rapidly grow and in this respect American capitalism called as securities-market capitalism. If we look on other case like Japans financial industry which is actually remodeled on the American system right after world war II, Japans financial industry dominated American banks that Japanese-style capitalism characterized as bank-loan capitalism, particularly in light of the relatively in corporate bond market. Bank loan have been dangerous in Japans economic growth in the postwar era and paradoxically because of this banking whole Japanese economy was affected. Any continuous deployment of economy needs increased finance. There is two possible solution exist. a) To borrow from overseas by running current- account (CA) and CA is domestic saving CA deficit-based finance. This however makes hot global money. b) To create credit through countrys banking system and with the help of central banks, central bank-based finance [Ozawa 1998]. Central bank-based finance entails the risk of rise if prolonged praise is used for nonproductive reason such as expenditure and speculative investments. It needs direction and judicious management of the banking industry by both the government and the central bank concerned. There are two methods of financing capital configuration for economic growth: (1) Selling equities (stocks) and (2) Borrowing by issuing debt instruments (bonds and other securities). These two alternatives guide for growth of the securities market development. In the early postwar era, initially stock market played very important role as a source of funds for corporate in Japan, but soon after some time Japan overwhelmed by bank loans. This was clearly reflected that Japans high-growth era(1950-1974) for all industries and its declined from 26. 9% in 1950 to 16. 1% in 1970 and manufacturing declined from 31. 4% -19. 95% over the same period [Caves and Uekusa 1976: 479]. Central bank based finance, the bank of Japan (BOJ) pumped funds into Japans city banks, which extended industrial loans to their self groups of corporation and this group known as the bank-let kinyu keiretsu. There are six kinyu keiretsu that competed vigorously in arranging a set of chemical industries and this kinyu keiretsu is also know as the main bank system [Aoki and Patrick 1994]. In addition, Japans postal investments agenda played a very important part in financial intermediation. At the time of high-growth period of 1950-1973, nearly one-third of total private investments were captured by the administration in the form of postal investments financial records. In fact, Japans postal savings system called the worlds largest bank [Brown 1986, 128]. It has more than 20,000 post offices throughout Japan, in that mostly are in rural agricultural regions. It means that â€Å"there are more postal savings windows than in all the branches of Japans city hanks combined [Brown 1986, 128]. Under heavy regulations, Japans banking institutions are also compartmentalized into particular actions and markets (e. g. , division of the lending business from underwriting of, separation of short- and long-term finance; securities and the trust business; and trading in separation of markets by size of customers and banking system of city and local bank). Money Manager Capitalism At the beginning of 2009, the world faces the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. Possibility of depression were talked everywhere. there was a huge loss of jobs in the end of year 2008. Minsky always insisted that there are two essential propositions of his â€Å"financial instability hypothesis† (See Papadimitriou and Wray 1998 for a summary of Minsky’s approach. ). The first is that there are two financing â€Å"regimes†Ã¢â‚¬â€one that is consistent with stability and the other in which the economy is subject to instability. The second proposition is that â€Å"stability is destabilizing,† so that endogenous processes will tend to move a stable system toward fragility. There is small hesitation that the world faces the nastiest economic disaster since the 1930s, with a little economists and policymakers beginning to speak concerning the option of a depression. Keynesian economics references are ordinary, with only committed liberal marketers quarrelling against administration involvement. Still the wizards on Wall Street are begging for re-regulation of fiscal markets. The Obama government has projected present year federal budget deficits at $1. 75 trillion (12% of GDP) and $1. 17 trillion for 2010—although some private forecasters project $1. 9 trillion for 2009, representing 13. 5% GDP and it is clear that it will not fall till next year. If anything, prospects facing the rest of the world are worse. The Federal Government has become the worldwide lender of final resort, providing up to $600 billion in loans of dollar reserves to foreign central banks. The run to relative security in US treasuries has endangered exchange rates, increased risk and spreads around the world. Political and Social unrest is scattering around the periphery nations. Randall Wray considers that the US has at its sufficient policy space to decide its crisis. Mark Thoma has called for international coordinationa good thought, but one that Randall Wray panic has little political hold. Euro-land will not enlarge its economy out of fear that markets will run governments debts. All sorts of explanations preferred for the reason of the crisis: lax regulation and omission, growth of inequality that uplift households to borrow to support spending, greed and illogical enthusiasm, and extreme global liquidity—spurred by easy money policy in the US and by US current account deficits said to overflow the world with lots of dollars. Hyman Minskys work has enjoyed extraordinary interest, with many calling this a Minsky Moment. R. Wray calls it the Minsky half-century in recognition and its seeds of crisis were planted 50 years ago. A paper from the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College confirms that money manager capitalism is the basic cause of current global financial crisis. â€Å"The current stage of capitalism is dominated by highly leveraged funds seeking maximum returns in an environment that systematically under-prices risk. We must return to a more sensible model, with enhanced oversight of financial institutions and with a financial structure that promotes stability rather than speculation ( Randall Wray,2009). † Conclusion As it known economists always focused on the degree and does not like government control over markets (laissez faire), which mean no interference of government in market policy and as well as on private property rights, while on the side most of political economists focused on private property, wage labor , class and power relations. It’s clear that there is a general statement that capitalism encourages economic growth. The recent collapse of the global economy puts before us a serious question such as: Is current economic understanding fundamentally sound, needing only slight correctives, or has it reached its restrictions, requiring fundamental rethinking? American economic thinking for the last 35 year has been a hijacking of the evolutionary growth of capitalism that could offer sustainable economics. If we see large part of capitalism is determined by monopoly. The term monopoly has always been a feature of capitalism and capitalist competition presumes monopoly. This capitalist competition has further led to the centralization and concentration. Even Alexander Gerschenkron [1962] observed that rising countries are tended to became reliant on institutional arrangements rather than a market, especially in finance and industrialization. Japan growth depends on central bank-based finance in which bank play important role in capital formation with keiretsu groups. References:- Baran Sweezy, Monopoly Capital. available at http://skeptically. org/socialism/id13. html, accessed at May 25,2010. Boaz, David. 2005. â€Å"Defining an Ownership Society. † www. cato. org/special/ownership_society/boaz. html, accessed at May 25,2010. Borger, Julian. 2005. â€Å"Hurricane aid used ‘to test out right-wing social policies’†, The Guardian UK, 22 September. , accessed at May 25,2010. Bernanke, Ben S. , â€Å"The Great Moderation†, speech given at the meetings of the Eastern Economics Association, Washington, DC, February 20, 2004; www. federalreserve. gov/Boarddocs/Speeches/2004/20040220/default. htm, accessed at May 25,2010. Black, William. 2005. The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One, Austin Tx: University of Texas at Austin, accessed at May 25,2010. Cassidy, John. â€Å"The Minsky moment†, The New Yorker, Feb 4, 2008, www. newyorker. com, accessed at May 25,2010. McCulley, Paul, Saving Capitalist Banking from Itself,available at www. investorsinsight. com/ /saving-capitalist-banking, accessed at May 25,2010. Mattick, Paul,Chapter 4: On the Concept of State-Monopoly Capitalism,Available at http://libcom. org/library/economics-politics-and-the-age-of-inflation-mattick-four, accessed at May 25,2010. Ozawa, Seiji, The rise and fall of bank-loan capitalism: institutionally driven growth and crisis in Japan Journal of Economic Issues, (June 1999),available at http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa5437/is_2_33/ai_n28733724/? tag=content;col1, accessed at May 25,2010. Wray L. R. ,The Death of Money Manager Capitalism? ,(April 15, 2009). Available at tpmcafe. talkingpointsmemo. com/ /the_death_of_money_manager_capitalism, accessed at May 25,2010. Wray L. R. ,Money Manager Capitalism and the Global Financial Crisis (September 2009),available at http://www. levyinstitute. org/pubs/wp_578. pdf, accessed at May 25,2010.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effect of Violent Television on Young People and Children

Effect of Violent Television on Young People and Children Violent Television Affect Children and Adolescent’s Behaviors INTRODUCTION According to Sujala S.Nair and P.E Thomas (2012)†Violent can be defined as something which is intended to hurt or kill or it can be just physical or emotional force and energy.†Television program has a big influence in our life. The violent act in the television program can be a powerful influence in the children and adolescent’s behavior. This is because children unable to distinguish violent act in television program is harmful for them. This may seriously cause the development of their childhood. Unfortunately, nowadays much of television program is include violent act. According to many studies report, violent cartoon television program will make children who under the age of 7 may imitate cartoon violence because they may not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. As of 1990, the average of American child aged 2 to 5 years was watching television over 27 hours per week. This may cause the children watching the violent television program will influence them. This might not be bad if the children understood what they are watching. However, mostly children are unable to distinguish fact from fantasy in all the television program. In the minds of children thinks that television is a source of entirely factual information regarding how the world works. When they get older, they may know better. But the earliest and deepest impressions were put down when the child were saw the television as a factual sources of information about a world outside their homes where violence is a daily commonplace and the commission of violence is gener ally powerful, exciting, charismatic, and efficacious. Serious violent is mostly erupt at the moments of severe stress and it is precisely at such moment that adolescents and adults are most likely to their earliest, most visceral sense of what violent is and what its role is in society. Most of this sense will have come from television. Another background for children with aggressive behavior are beginning in the mid-1960s, psychologist Leonard Eron and colleagues followed a group of children they are eight years old then observing their behavior. The study, one of the most extensive ever done, would span three decades and uncover some of the strongest evidence that too much TV can harm children. Not only was there is a relationship between watching violent television program were more likely to be the ones identified by teachers and friends as a aggressive kids in school. When revisited at ages 18, researchers again found that the aggressive behavior is related to the early television viewing habits of the children. Finally, the 30 years old adults are related between aggressive behavior and TV viewing habits again observed. Actually, researchers reported proof that tied television viewing habits developed early in life to arrests for violent crimes. Be just like violence act have been seen on TV contributes to agg ression. Equivalent, non violent television program are containing messages of tolerance and cooperation can inspire pro-social. In addition, another one is about the person who studied the influence of television program by observing by 100 children. The children were separate into three groups. One was shown Batman and Superman cartoons then the second group is shown Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Then the last group are shown neutral program with neither violent or pro-social messages. Once again show that the relationship between violent act in TV program and aggressive behavior was apparent.The result show that the children exposed to the Batman and Superman cartoons were more likely to get into fights, play roughly, and break toys. On the other hand, children who watching Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood tended toward positive behaviors and dislike classmates who watched the superhero cartoons. Furthermore, they were more likely to show sensitivity, offer help to teachers. play cooperatively and express concern about other children’s feelings. The problem is because of the acceleration rate of cases in violent TV influence children and adolescent’s behaviors such as violent crime. Television violence has the greatest potential for both short-term and long-term effect upon children. In light of all the situations where children are affected negatively by viewing violence, there is a need for a study of the effects of television violence on children. The effect of violent television program on children and adolescent’s behaviors is poorly understood. The objective of this research is to collect data for analysis and interpret the result that can know more in detail about the effect of violent act in television program on children and adolescent’s behaviors. Research Question 1. Do you think that violence act on television show will make children act violently  after watching it? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2. Do you think children can be protected against violence on TV? Yes ( ) No ( ) 3. Do you think that school violence is influenced by the television program? Yes ( ) No ( ) 4. Do you think restrict children watching TV can reduce children influence by violent television program? Yes ( ) No ( ) 5. Do you think violent on television is a problem? Yes ( ) No ( ) Literature Review Nowadays, television has become as a indispensable device in our daily life. Almost everyone has at least one set of television at home. Television has a big influence in our life especially for children. Violent act in the television program can be a powerful influence in the children and adolescent’s behavior. This is because children unable to distinguish violent act in television program is harmful for them. This may seriously cause the development of their childhood. Bandura (1965) claimed that children can learn new behavior in one or two ways. They would learn it by direct experiences through trial and error or by observing and imitating others social environment. Children who are emotional, behavioral, learning or impulse control problems may be more easily influence by violence television. Children watching violent television program can make them more aggressive. Furthermore, children also may leave fearful or make them less sensitive to real violence and its consequences after watching violent television program. The three potential harmful effects of expose to television violence are the learning of attitudes and behavior, desensitization are because of all the exposure to television violent. Therefore, children become desensitized to violence and perhaps a tendency develops on violence in their own lives to solve problems According to many studies report, violent cartoon television program will make children who under the age of 7 may imitate cartoon violence because they may not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Cartoon violence meant for a youthful audience as opposed to animated films for adults such as Heavy Metal are tend to involve minor acts of violence. Although many violent cartoon meant for youthful consumption contain comedic elements but some of the cartoons just portray the violence. Presence or absence of comedy during violence is important consideration when evaluating the effects if viewing cartoons on children or youth. Watching violent cartoon or any violent television program are affects children’s attitudes towards violence. If children watching too much of violent television program may affect the ways a person thinks and behaves later in life, even as an adolescent and adult. The effects may be long-lasting. Children who watching violence movies or any violence TV program at young age are more easily to become aggressiveness and criminal behavior at later years. According to a longitudinal study (Huesmann, 1986) have the a same sample of chidren were tested over a 22 year period. The researchers measured the television viewing habits and aggressive behavior at three different stage of age in time which is when the participants were 8, 19 and 30 years of age. The research are show the relationship between exposure to TV violence at age 8 and self-reported aggression at age 30. Therefore, children watching violent television program on the early childhood were significant predictor of the seriousness of criminal acts performed at about age 30. In conclusion, early childhood television habits are correlated positively with adult criminally independent of other likely causal factors. Methodology The focus of this preliminary of this research was primarily on analysis about the violence television program affect on children, adolescent and even adult. A detailed questionnaire was developed aimed at determining the effect of violence act in television program on children. Five question are used to determine predictor or impact variables. These are show in page ( ) . The first three questions asked about the children after watching violence television program can make them change to violence behavior even at older age and children can be protected against violent on TV or not. Moreover, the fourth question are asked about the restrict children watching violent TV program are the best choice to reduce cases of children, adolescent’s violence behavior. The fifth questions are asked about the thinking question as the violent on television program are the problem to children. The questionnaire are used the methods is internet surveys. While these methods is clearly the most cost effective and fastest methods of distributing a survey. References: Steven J.Kirsh( 2005). Cartoon violence and aggression in youth. Retrieved from: Sujala S.Nair and P.E Thomas( 2012). A Thematic study on the cause and effects of Television Violence on Children. Retrieved from: Slotsve, del Carmen, Sarver,and Watkins (2008) .Television Violence and Aggression. Retrieved from:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Plato Vs Shelley :: essays research papers

Many works of literature provide responses to much debated topics. Opinions are brought forth by means of rhetorical devices and supported by some type of accepted truth. In two such pieces, The Republic by Plato and â€Å"A Defense of Poetry† by Shelley, Plato expresses a belief about poetry that Shelley disagrees with and responds to. Through rhetorical devices such as metaphors and symbolism and the use of deductive logic and Socratic writing, Plato provides a strong, very supported argument while Shelley’s long sentence structure, analogies and metaphors are weak in comparison.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The way in which Plato uses deductive logic to express his opinion allows him to fully develop his ideas without making assertions that are incredible. Plato begins with the idea of the ultimate â€Å"maker of the bed†, which he refers to as G-d which is easily accepted by the majority of an audience. Plato believed that there is only one who â€Å"makes the essence of the bed,† (44) the single idea and therefore that is the truth. From there he goes to the carpenter. â€Å"There is another (bed) which is the work of the carpenter.† (44) And finally Plato defines his thesis through metaphor. He uses a metaphor that compares the work of a poet to a mirror. â€Å"Turning a mirror round and round – you would soon enough make the sun and the heavens, and the earth and yourself, and other animals and plants, and all other things of which we were just speaking, in the mirror†¦but they would be appearances only.† (44) The way in wh ich the writing is interactive with two people creates contradictions, which challenge Plato’s beliefs, yet they are still proven throughout. â€Å"Why not? For the duller eye may often see a thing sooner than the keener. â€Å"Very true, but in your presence, even if I had any further notion, I could not muster courage to utter it.† (43) While this Socratic writing helps Plato to make his argument even more concrete, Shelley uses essay form to portray his ideas somewhat in response to beliefs like those of Plato.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shelley’s writing differs in form from Plato’s in that Shelley’s is more straight forward and seems almost as if it were meant to be preached. â€Å"Reason is to the imagination as the instrument to the agent, as the body to the spirit, as the shadow to the substance.† (429) The analogy that Shelley uses portrays that reason is the basis of the imagination, implying that poetry holds truth, yet it is an idealized truth, which is determined by Plato in The Republic to be essentially false.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why Teeagers Run Away from Home

It is critical that the number of youth who run away from home is increasing at a dangerous rate, and millions of parents suffer every year because their children run away from home. These parents say it is like a never-ending nightmare, and they are left to struggle with the question of why their child would leave home. Too many teenagers run â€Å"from† something rather than â€Å"to† something, but runaway teenagers claim they leave home in search of safety and freedom. Running away from home is usually a quick decision, and that choice is made on impulse rather than logical reasoning.One problem every teenager faces on a daily basis is stressful situations, but this can come to such an extreme that the only choice is to leave. Runaway teenagers are often victims of poor problem-solving, and they do not see alternative solutions other than leaving home. The romanticized view of living on the streets lures young teenagers to leave home, but they do not realize the har sh reality they will face. Teenagers run away from home on impulse, and they think it is easier to run away rather than to fix the problem.There are several reasons children run away from home, but a prominent reason is unstable and stressful family situations. One problem teenagers face these days is that both parents may work, and their mom and dad are not around much. Absence of a parent does not make the heart grow fonder, and oftentimes a runaway will complain that she is not loved anymore. Some teenagers run away as a response to a divorce between their parents. Since they have never experienced a situation like this, a teenager does not know how to react, so they escape to wield power over, get attention from, manipulate, or punish their parents.The death of a close family member can have a detrimental impact on a young teenager, and it can cause them to suffer an acute personal crisis and leave. For many teenagers, death is an obstacle that is hard to deal with, and without coping mechanisms, could quickly lead to running away from home. Major reasons teenagers run away from home are unstable and stressful family situations, and often include lack of parental guidance, divorce, and death of a family member.The main reason why kids run away from home is because they do not have good problem solving skills, and running away from home is an â€Å"either-or† kind of solution. Teenagers run away because they do not want to face something, and that includes unwanted emotions. They are trying to avoid any type of accountability, for the fear of consequences outweighs the possibility of a harsh, real world experience. The adolescent who has run away has run out of problem solving skills, and leaving home seems to solve their immediate problems.Running away becomes a quick fix, and it is the product of black-and-white thinking. If the circumstances are right, a teenager can run away at any time if they do not see an alternative solution. The willingness to leave can develop from a variety of reasons, for teenagers often do not know that what they are facing can be dealt with using other strategies. Running away from home shows poor problem solving skills, and the fear of consequences and accountability, not being able to see alternative solutions, and thinking it solves immediate problems are all signs of poor problem solving.Another factor is that teenagers often idealize running away, and they develop a romanticized view of life on the streets. Teenagers think that if they leave home, they will have all of the freedom they have ever wanted, and that they can control what happens to them. For some, running away makes them feel free, unsupervised, with no curfew hours, homework, dress code, and eating habits, but some just seek adventure and are pressured by their peers.Teenagers always want to find their own answers to their own problems, and this often leads to arguments between parents and children. Running away seems to offer a rebellious teen the chance to make choices for themself, and this thought is very tempting to many. Runaway teenagers have a very glamorous view of an independent life style, and they do not realize the struggles they will face. They have a naive picture in their head of a world filled with nice, fun, harmless people, but in reality, one is always cold, hungry, and struggling.Teenagers think to highly of a life away from home, and this is because they are naive, looking for control, and they want to make their own choices. Running away from home seems like an adventure or the key to freedom, and as if â€Å"no one can tell me what to do. † Unstable family conditions are often the cause of teenagers running away from home, and for many teens this is a difficult obstacle to face. A teenager who runs away from home is often a victim of poor problem solving skills, and they are looking for an easy escape from their problems.Teenagers are intrigues by the thought of living on the ir own, and often times have a romanticized view of a harsh and cruel world. Any child can run away at any time if the circumstances are right, and if they are under enough stress, any kid can justify running away. Do not forget that running away is like any other action, so in order to do it, one needs the ability, the willingness, and the opportunity. Kids have to ability and opportunity to run every day, so all it really takes is the willingness to do it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom Scanning Electron Microscopy essay

buy custom Scanning Electron Microscopy essay Scanning Electron Microscopy is a category of the electron microscope, which uses highly focused beams of strong or high-energy electrons in order to generate diverse types of signals on the entire surface of the solid specimens. The high-energy electrons interact actively with the solid specimen atoms thus producing clear signals containing detailed information of the sample such as chemical composition, texture (morphology), orientation of sample materials, electrical conductivity of the sample, and crystalline structure. SEM produces many types of electron signals such as characteristics X-rays, secondary electrons, cathodoluminescence (light), back-scattered (BSE) electrons, transmitted electrons, and specimen current, which result from, active interactions of electrons beams with specimen atoms near or at the sample surface (Joseph Linda 2003). SEM technology, especially the secondary electrons imaging (SEI), is highly effective as it can be able to produce extremely high-resol ution specimen images revealing extremely small details even of size lower than 1 nanometer (nm). In addition, SEM is even capable of analyzing selected points on the sample an approach extremely useful in semi-quantitatively or qualitatively analysis. In order to understand Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), its concepts such as the basics of SEM as well as the Structure and Working of SEM are carefully analyzed. The SEM uses focused beams of many electrons to create the specimen image and gain information regarding its composition and structure. The most basic steps involved in the SEM are: A unique stream of strong electrons are produced by the electron guns in the high-vacuum chamber, the stream with positive electrical potentials, is then accelerated towards a solid specimen while being focused and confined using magnetic lenses and metal apertures into a very thin, highly focused, and monochromatic beam. The solid sample is highly irradiated by this beam and interactions quickly occur inside this highly irradiated sample thus affecting the beam of electrons. These effects and unique interactions are detected and quickly transformed into the specimen image. The structure of SEM comprises many parts, which work together, to achieve the overall objectives of this machine. The first and most basic part of SEM structure is the Electron Gun. This part is paramount as it is the only source of the electrons in SEM. In most cases, Electron Gun is a unique v-shaped filament manufactured using tungsten or LAB6 (lanthanum hexaboride) cathodes that are perfectly wreathed with the Wehnelt cap also referred to as Wehnelt electrode (Patrick 2009). The other part of the SEM structure is the condenser lenses. It has two-condenser lenses referred to as first and second condenser lens respectively, which are used to condense the electron beams flowing from the electron gun. In addition, it has deflection coils, which are used to deflect the electron beams flowing from the electron gun. Objective lenses are also found in the SEM structure. In addition, it has electron detectors that are used to detect various types of signals such as X-ray detectors, and B ackscatter electron detectors. It also has a vacuum pump which is used to create a vacuum in the SEM. Vacuum in the specimens chamber creation is crucial because it aids in the only specimens pretreatments necessary for this process which is the metal coating of the specimens. This unique procedure is only done in a complete vacuum evaporator and lasts for approximately 15 minutes. The standard working of SEM is unique and intriguing. A finely and highly-focused beam of electrons scanned across the entire sample surface results in generation of back-scattered electrons, characteristic X-rays, and secondary electrons. These electron signals are thoroughly collected by electron detectors in order to form clear images of the specimen displayed on the screens made of cathode ray tubes (Goldstein, Newbury, Lifshin, 1981). All the features obtained from the SEM images are then analyzed to determine their elemental compositions and other features. Data output in SEM is carefully generated in the real time on the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor. The spectra and images obtained in the screen scan be easily printed, recorded, or even emailed. Buy custom Scanning Electron Microscopy essay