Monday, December 30, 2019

The Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity In America. Childhood

The Epidemic Of Childhood Obesity In America Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that is affecting children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height and can result in serious medical conditions. The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased significantly over the past ten years. Childhood diabetes has been on the rise since the early 90’s and continues to rise. In the article, â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater† David Zinczenko, shows that â€Å" Before 1994†¦ only about 5 percent of childhood cases were obesity-related, or Type 2, diabetes. Today...Type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 30 percent of new childhood cases of diabetes in this country† (463). Type 2†¦show more content†¦They end up comprising a salad that is greater in caloric intake than a Big Mac considering all of the toppings and dressing that is used. In the article, â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater†, David Zinczenko writes â €Å"For example, one company’s Web site list it s chicken salad as containing 150 calories; the almonds and noodles the come with it (an additional 190 calories) are listed separately† (464). This is a great example of misleading labels and information in which the government has to enforce stricter laws. This is why it is crucial that the government has to proceed with regulations in regards to calories and serving size offered in restaurants. It is essential for the government to continue to regulate the food in our school systems. In the article, â€Å"The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food,† Michael Moss shows how the food industry is targeting children in school systems. â€Å"A potato chip that tastes great and qualifies for the Clinton-A. H. A. alliance for school...We think we have ways to do all of this on a potato chip, and imagine getting that product into schools, where children can have this product and grow up with it and feel good about eating it† (Moss 488-489). This is a prime example of how the food industry is circumventing regulations already in effect. The children of the United States of America are being zeroed in on by companies finding a loophole, instead of protecting the children, by usingShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic That Is Sweeping Through America1127 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION Childhood obesity is an epidemic that is sweeping through America. The key to understanding the threshold for the term obesity is to know the clinical definition. Obesity and overweight are two terms that are intermittently misused. Overweight is clinically defined as the excess body fat one has in terms to their height, muscle, bone, or in a combination of all factors (Childhood Obesity Facts). Obesity is simply the concept of having excess body fat (Childhood Obesity Facts). AdultRead MoreChildhood Obesity Essay examples1472 Words   |  6 PagesForty years ago in America childhood obesity was rarely a topic of conversation. A survey done in the early 1970s showed that 6.1% of children between the ages 12 and 19 were overweight. Eight years later the same survey was done and 17.4% were considered overweight (Iannelli). â€Å"Childhood obesity epidemic in America is now a confirmed fact since the number of overweight or obese children has more than tripled during the last 30 years† (Childhood Obesity Epidemic). â€Å"Over the last 20 years, the prevalenceRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Developing Problem1197 Words   |  5 PagesObesity in America is a developing problem, and not just in adults. Today, one in three American children and teens are either overweight or obese; almost triple the rate previously in 1963. Child obesity has expeditiously become one of the most genuine health challenges of the 21st century (â€Å"10 Surprising Facts About Childhood Obesity†). Physical inactivity, race, junk food in schools, the mass media, and the child’s parents flaws are all factors that have resulted in the prevalence of childhoodRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic Essay1641 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is an epidemic in America. Many experts like doctors and dietitians have narrowed the epidemic to a few causes some being lack of exercise, genetics, and food insecurity. Exercise and genetics could lead to obesity in the way that you need exercise to burn fat and some people are genetically more inclined to store more fat. Obesity is having excessive amount of fat that could lead to other health problem which is scary to think that childhood obesity is something that is on theRead MoreGovernment, Schools, and Companies Must Fight Childhood Obesity856 Words   |  4 Pages Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in America. Many children in America, get two out of the three meals at school. As stated in the article, School Meals Need to Get Healthier: Report published in Healthday, â€Å"About 30.6 million school children participated in the school lunch program in 2007, and 10.1 million children had school breakfasts. In 2007, schools in the program served about 5.1 billion lunches and 1.7 billion breakfasts† (Healthday). This staggering number directly relates to theRead MoreObesity : Childhood Obesity Epidemic1418 Words   |  6 Pageshis article â€Å"There is no Childhood Obesity Epide mic† discussed the there is a â€Å"stunning† drop in childhood obesity rate. He claims that obesity rates among two to five year olds have plunged over the past decade, and that the so called â€Å"obesity epidemic† had ended. I strongly disagree with Campos view that there is no childhood obesity epidemic, this is due to the researches that was done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which shows that childhood obesity has more than doubled inRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An American Epidemic1263 Words   |  6 PagesChildhood Obesity: An American Epidemic America is facing a serious challenge! Children’s health is becoming a critical concern. Childhood obesity has become an â€Å"epidemic disease† that has rapidly grown over the years in the United States. According to the National Center for Health Statistics in 2011 states that, â€Å"childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. In 2012, more than one- third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese†Read MoreChildhood Obesity : A Relatively New And Disturbing Term Essay1129 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood obesity is a relatively new and disturbing term. It is an extremely serious problem that many children in the United States face. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), approximately 12.7 million or seventeen percent of children and adolescents aged two to nineteen are considered to be obese (Childhood Obesity). This is an astronomical number and it is only continu ing to rise. According to Schroeder et al. (2016), there is approximately an addition fifteen percentRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On The United States Today1479 Words   |  6 Pagespediatric obesity now represents one of the most pressing nutritional problems facing children in the United States today. International population studies report comparable rates of increase, so that if current trends remain unchecked, childhood obesity is likely to challenge worldwide public health. Substantial consequences to physical and mental health, both short and long term, must be anticipated. Unfortunately, there is no uniform definition of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity has beenRead MoreChildhood Obesity : The Overbearing Truth1664 Words   |  7 PagesJayden Sadettan Schlesinger English 131 November 22nd 2015 Childhood Obesity; the Overbearing Truth. â€Å"Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating† – Bob Filner Imagine growing up in a household where one can eat anything. Whether an unlimited amount of sweets or entrees. This is happening now. Parents are unaware of their children eating and physical habits. Leading to the whopping amount of $190

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Graphic Design And Visual Arts - 873 Words

Graphic design and Visual arts are two different artistic fields. The field of Graphic design, which is responsible for creating solutions that, has a high visual impact. The role involves listening to clients and understanding their needs before making design decisions. Designs by graphic designers are required for huge variety of products and activities, such as websites, advertising, books, magazines, posters, computer games/video games, product packaging, exhibitions and displays. Visual arts on the other hand are art forms such as ceramic, drawing, painting, sculptures and photography and architecture. The difference in visual arts and graphic design is that many people do not think of graphic designers as being artist and they should only be referred to as designers. Visual Arts People, argue that designing is a skill and art is a God given gift. Graphic design majors are artist because it takes talent to do what they do; it takes hard work to create complex graphics. They have to come up with a design by sketching it out. Then graphic designers have to bring their art to life using the computer. Both visual artist and graphic designers have a passion for art. They are both creative professions to pursue. Some people argue that Visual Art people are more hands on with their work; they use a lot of physical ability to do their art. Graphic designers use technology to do more of their art. They use objects such as images, symbols, and words to completeShow MoreRelatedGraphic Design Is An Excellent Choice For A Career Essay1681 Words   |  7 Pageswish to pursue best. Graphic design is an excellent choice for a career especially if the individual is very artistic. There are several layers of information to go through about what graphic design is, how it works, what it takes to be one, and if there will be enough money being made to support a life and future. Graphic design is the art of planning the ideas an individual comes up with and projecting them with visual and textual content (Cezzar). The artist portrays the visual effect that the company/individualRead MoreGraphic Design: A Superb Career Option for Technology Savvy Artists982 Words   |  4 Pagesjob like graphic design is a great choice for prospective artists. Graphic design has evolved greatly over time, and today employs a myriad of people. After completing the necessary level of education, creative individuals make images to convey a message, and are paid well for their efforts. With experience, some even advance further in their career. Overall, graphic design is a fantastic career that combines art and technology, offering excellent opportunities for the future. Graphic design has itsRead MoreGraphic Designer And Interior Designer940 Words   |  4 Pagesinterest area test, I choose graphic designer and interior designer. I m going to describe what kind of the education requirement in graphic designer and interior designer and how much do people make, the future outlook and feeling about the possibly choosing between the two careers and the advantages and the disadvantages and other aspects that concern about job. A graphic designer uses visual elements to communicate messages through print and electronic media. Graphic designers use creativity andRead MoreHistory of Graphic Design1765 Words   |  7 PagesHistory Graphic Design History Graphic Design Similarities of Different Graphic Designs Graphic design is an art that entails visual communication, which tends to combine words, images or even an idea in an effort to bring out some information to an audience. Graphic designers effectively put their art and profession mainly in the design of graphics, logos, and posters among other forms of visual communication. In addition, these designers assist in creation of continuity among the differentRead MoreGraphic Design Vs. Art Essay1506 Words   |  7 Pages Graphic Design vs Art â€Å"Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions, there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated†. The following items will be discussed to give better understanding of Graphic Design vs Art: definition of the two terms, what is considered art, what is considered design, and opinions of the two subjects. Sometimes the best way to communicateRead MoreIs Neville Brody The True Legend Of Our Time?1728 Words   |  7 Pagessecondary school Brody studied A-level art, he stated: â€Å"I don’t remember a time in my life when I was going to do anything else. Ever since I had any self-awareness I’ve wanted to do art or painting.† (Brody, 1988, p.5) In 1975 Brody went to the Hornsey College of Art where he began to study for the Fine Art foundation course, however, he decided he wanted to pursue Graphic Design so in 1976 Brody transferred to the London College of Printing where he studied Graphics for three years. The Punk RockRead MoreApril Greiman Essay1112 Words   |  5 Pagesartists in the history of Design. She was born in New York in 1948 and was raised in a very family oriented environment, her creativity was greatly influenced by her mother, father and aunt who shared a passion for art, music and encouraged her to be an independent, curious, adventurous woman. After acknowledging her great interest in art, she applied to several art schools and was accepted into the Kansas City Art Institute where she received a BFA in Graphic Design. 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Graphic designers should be good with computers and art. Many graphic designers develop things for advertising related things, and they nee d to create things that really stand out. Most graphic designersRead MoreEssay on Digital vs. Traditional Art979 Words   |  4 Pagesview of art, there are no concrete or abstract forms, but only forms which are more or less convincing lies.(Wagner, par. 1) So what is art? A painted picture with lines, figures or faces that has meaning; or digitally altered shapes with meaning? Art can be any product of a creative process. Graphic Design (digital design) as a discipline has a relatively recent history, with the name graphic design first coined by William Addison Dwiggins in 1922. (Wikipedia. par. 2) Digital art is an art created

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Facebook’s Initial Public Offering Free Essays

The reasons for Facebook to go public In the beginning, Facebook, through its founder Mark Zuckerberg, was unwilling to go public and refused a number of buyout offers. However, it reached the 500 threshold after accepting private investments from firms, which eventually made Zuckerberg decide to go public. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires that private companies reaching more than 500 ‘shareholders of record’ must abide by the same requirements of financial disclosure undertaken by public companies (Sloan, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Facebook’s Initial Public Offering or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is clear that Facebook’s decision to go public through an initial public offering (IPO) was not the same as the common reasons of firms when they undertake the same decision, which is to draw more revenues (Palmiter, 2008). However, in the long run, Facebook also aimed to access external financing as a result of IPO (Sloan, 2012). The reasons for companies to go public beyond their need for more money are enhanced financial condition, ability to cash out, improved corporate reputation, and improved opportunity for future acquisition (Peng, 2012). The dollar objective of every company in relation to the amount expected to be raised via IPO The dollar objectives of companies entering IPOs for increased revenue purposes are to develop reserves and increase external funds (Vedavalli, 2007; Sullivan, 2007), access capital (Dana, 2004; Ernst and Hacker, 2012), improve financial condition, increase shareholder value, and improve capital to sustain growth (Ernst and Hacker, 2012). In Facebook’s case, its stock price dwindled as there were concerns about its overpriced IPO and long-term business outlook and lost around $ 25 billion in value (Kuratko, 2012). The expected use of the money raised by IPO One expected use of the money raised by IPO is retiring from debt, in which, it is necessary to pay close attention to the company’s financial data and overall growth prospects. Another is enjoyment of the proceeds by the owners of the shares, especially for the sale of secondary shares. Moreover, sold primary shares (newly created shares) from an IPO increase revenue to the companies’ accounts (Khurshed, 2011). In the case of Facebook, the company raised a large amount of money, which has amounted to $ 18 billion. In actuality, there was no increase in the number of shares it sold to the public; instead, most of the new shares were from Zuckerberg, and such was considered not a good sign (Khurshed, 2011). References Dana, L. (2004) Handbook of research on international entrepreneurship. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Ernst, D. and Hacker, J. (2012). Applied international corporate finance. Berlin: Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH. Khurshed, A. (2011). Initial public offerings: The mechanics and performance of IPOs. First Edition. Hampshire: Harriman House Ltd. Kuratko, D. F. (2012) Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, practice. NJ: John Wiley Sons. Peng, M. W. (2012). Global strategy. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Sloan, P. (2012). Three reasons Facebook has to go public. Retrieved on December 3, 2013 from Sullivan, L. R. (2007). Historical dictionary of the People’s Republic of China. Maryland: A Scarecrow Press, Inc. Vedavalli, R. (2007). Energy for development: Twenty-first century challenges of reform and liberalization in developing countries. London: Anthem Press. How to cite Facebook’s Initial Public Offering, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Internet and Advertisement

Questions: 1. The number of ads pushed to an individual should be limited? 2. Security issues vendors and users should be aware of? 3. Ethical issues in wireless advertising? 4. 10-second commercial in free airtime? Answers: 1. The number of ads pushed to an individual should be limited: Every business should consider few factors while publishing advertisements intended towards their customers. There should be a balance depending on the customer expectations and business needs. Generally, the factors that a business needs to keep in mind are the quality and nature of advertisements and that it should not be offending or disappointing in any way rather it should entice the viewers without the intention of manipulating them. Certain business ethics and regulations are implemented by the government in prohibiting deceptive advertising practices. The negative effects can be numerous. For example, customers can be misled by exaggeration of product values. Often there might be ambiguity and manipulative intentions involved in production of ads (Falciani-White and Tomcik, 2015). It is the responsibility of the business to maintain the legal and federal regulations regarding unethical and misleading advertisements. Moreover, excessive number of ads sent towards a specific in dividual can annoy them or can be the cause of dissatisfaction. 2. Security issues vendors and users should be aware of: Business should always have their focus on preserving the privacy and security of their customers. Online advertising is usually based on storing and recording raw information about viewers and customers and processing the data into valuable information to show them ads which they will find interest in. This leads the stakeholders to implement certain mechanisms to extract personal details from online visitors. Hence, the process should cope with user privacy policies to limit user information tracking and cookie management. Moreover, it has become common in web pages to display sudden pop-up ads which are distracting as well as annoying. These types of ads are often non-ignorable, gets automatically downloaded without consent and the consequences may include system disruption or dysfunction due to virus or malware intrusions (Moustafa, 2015). Since, tracking users private information and browsing habits is a common tool for online advertising to target interested customers, there should be proper security measures such as digital-certificates or ad-blocking or authentication tools deployed to maintain user privacy and safety of confidential information. 3. Ethical issues in wireless advertising: Maintaining ethics is very important when it comes to online or wireless advertising. The choices dealing with advertisements should be made keeping in mind the ethical values and consequences. Truthfulness: The advertisements should be morally responsible. Advertisements should not indulge in unethical practices or entice false expectations. Ethical approach should prohibit any attempt to distort the truth or deceive the customers. Social responsibility: Businesses should refrain from publishing controversial and provocative ads because it is most often unethical or contain offensive contents. Factors should be considered such as respecting the dignity of each individual, following an approach that supports ethical and moral responsibility and does not promote racism or discrimination towards any specific social group. 4. 10-second commercial in free airtime: Whether or not an individual will be listening to a particular advertisement is greatly dependent on the type, nature and quality of the advertisement. Moreover, advertisements with short duration or time span have greater chance to be viewed by the people than ads which have got longer time duration (Moustafa, 2015). Even though the quality of ad greatly determines the number of targeted audience and views, several other factors such as duration and required network bandwidth or speed of download often determines the number of views. Usually, a 10 second commercial has a fair chance to be viewed by significant number of users if free airtime is available. Reference List Falciani-White, N. and Tomcik, L. (2015). Advertise with Confidence: Evaluating Advertising Assessment in Light of Business Best Practices.College Undergraduate Libraries, 22(1), pp.45-60. Moustafa, K. (2015). Internet and Advertisement.Sci Eng Ethics.

Friday, November 29, 2019

American Indians Essay Research Paper American IndiansThroughout free essay sample

American Indians Essay, Research Paper American Indians Throughout the history of the United States, American Indians have be treated ill. Ever since the white work forces crossed the Atlantic ocean 200 old ages ago till the mid 1900 s, the hapless intervention and violent death of Indians neer ceased. US Policies passed between the Revolutionary War and the mid 1900 s hurt American Indians and set them at an utmost disadvantage. Before the Revolutionary War, the first intimation that the relationship between the American Indians and the white people would be rocky was when the British ordered the Proclamation of 1763. It prohibited any white colonists to settle West of the Appalachian Mountains because of legion struggles with the American Indians. After the Revolutionary War, the construct of Manifest Destiny, to spread out the state to the Pacific Ocean and perchance Canada and Mexico, motivated many Americans to look beyond their districts. After the Revolutionary War, they successfully gained all the land E of the Appalachian Mountains, from the St. We will write a custom essay sample on American Indians Essay Research Paper American IndiansThroughout or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lawrence River to the 31st analogue. When the United States signed the Treaty of Versailles in 1783, it gave them the Great Lakes and Mississippi. The United States were able to spread out even more after they were able to press the Native Americans to give up their lands in the Northwest District in 1784 and 1785. In 1802, all the provinces had given up their districts to the federal authorities as portion of the new Constitution. Most significantly, when North Carolina gave up its districts, it stopped doing payments that were guaranteed to the Indians in earlier pacts. The United States were to pay off the debt, but they failed to make so. A big part to the enlargement of the United States was acquired through the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803. Then in 1819, Florida was purchased from the Spaniards. Texas freed itself from Mexico in 1845, became an independent province, and joined the United States. Last, in 1848 the last major land the United States obtained was Califor nia and New Mexico from the Mexican Cession. On the seventy-fifth birthday of the state, the United States had fulfilled its Manifest Destiny and its boundary lines crossed the full North American Continent ( Jones, Pg. 9-12 ) . The problem for the American Indian began here. With all the new land acquired, many white Americans headed to the West and mid-west to settle. During these colonies, the Indians got in the manner. The colonists were taking their land off from them and the white colonists killed the Indians to acquire rid of their jobs easy. In the heads of many white Americans, the best manner to work out the job with Indians interfering was to kill off them. The first major conflict that erupted between the Indians and the Americans over land ownership and Indian intervention from the Americans occurred during the War of 1812. In 1813, the Indians along with their Alliess the British, fought the Americans at the Battle of the Thames River. Here Tecumseh died. Tecumseh was the leader of the Shawnee Tribe who besides led and united many Indian folks to drive the Americans off of their land. After he died, the Indians lost an of import leader and hence lost their sense of way and stopped contending fo r awhile. In 1828, Andrew Jackson, the war hero who defeated the Creeks and British became the new President of the United States. Andrew Jackson was considered a frontier adult male. The Americans on the frontier looked up to him and expected him to hold a no-nonsense policy toward the Indians ( Jones, Pg. 19 ) . The Cherokee Indians were the first Indians to be a victim of the Jackson policy. At the clip, the Cherokees were the most comfortable Indian state. The white colonists in the country began to bust the Cherokees. The federal authorities did nil about this. But when the Cherokees retaliated against the white colonists, the Cherokees were tried and punished badly. Finally, the Cherokees got fed up and appealed to the federal authorities and worked ferociously to maintain the pact duties that required the United States federal authorities to protect the Cherokees and their lands. But the federal authorities said that the white colonists who took their land were excessively legion to be moved and therefore were unable to assist the Indians. So alternatively of following the pact with the Cherokees, the federal authorities under the Jackson disposal took land off from them. The Cherokees brought their instance to the Supreme Court to seek justness. Rather, the United States Senate ratified the Treaty of New Echota and President Jackson signed the pact into jurisprudence leting the authorities to take all Cherokees from their land ( Satz Pg. 20 ) . This determination by President Jackson was the first in a series of monolithic Indian remotion ( Gilbert Pg.23 ) . Finally, the Cherokees were forced to fly to Indian Land, besides known as Oklahoma. After the successful remotion of the Cherokees, the federal authorities decided to take the Choctaws, Creeks, and Chickasaws to Oklahoma every bit good. The Indians were harassed by the Whites and suffered from diseases while going to Oklahoma on the trail known as the Trails of Tears ( Gilbert Pg. 27,28 ) . In 1832, US troop s chased the Sauk state across the Mississippi River. They killed at least 200 Sauks. As a consequence of this inhumane act, the federal authorities gave the staying Sauks their ain land in Iowa. Most of the remotions made by the United States authorities were conducted without believing about the comfort or wellness of the Indians. Most of the clip, they were conducted with ferociousness ( Jones, Pg. 23 ) . The Indians were forced to walk 100s of stat mis because the authorities did non supply them with good transit. Besides, the United States authorities promised lodging, nutrient, farm supplies, and farm animal to get down them out at their new locations, but they turned out to be false promised and hopes for the Indians. In most instances, the Indians were normally dropped off in the wilderness and left there to last on hardly nil. Other times when they reached their new locations, before they knew it, they were being removed to another location. This procedure was repeated over and over until the Westward Movement. The Westward Movement caused even more problems for American Indians. The Westward Movement began after gold was found in California. Many colonists and gold diggers traveled to the West for many different grounds. The authorities prepared to seek and forestall any struggle and confrontation between the Whites and the Indians before it happened by directing the US Army to modulate. They built garrisons and forts for this ground. Army functionaries were sent west to do understandings and pacts with the Indians. Besides, their occupation was to do certain that the pacts and understanding were non to be violated by both parties. From 1778-1871, the federal authorities made 389 pacts with the Indian states. The conditions of the pacts were that if the United States were to take any of the Indians billion estates of land, so the authorities would pay for the land and give them one-year rentes and supplies. Besides, the Indians would ever hold land for themselves. These lands would be free from revenue enhancement. Unfortunately, the pacts were frequently broken. Settlers ignored the pacts and invaded and settled on Indian district guaranteed under the pact. The Fort Laramie Treaty, which was signed in 1868 is an illustration of a broken pact ( Utley Pg.61,86 ) . The Indians were given sole rights to the sacred land of the Black Hills. Then in 1874, when gold was discovered at that place, the white gold diggers and mineworkers ignored the pact and invaded the Indian district. When these colonists invaded their land and the authorities did non make anything about it, the Indians took action and attacked the colonists. The victim of these Indian foraies felt that the authorities should be protecting them from the Indians, because they felt they had non done anything incorrect. Again, the authorities did non make anything. So this clip the colonists retaliated against the Indians by themselves. Besides killing guiltless Indians and occupying their land, the white colonists showed no regard for the land. They destroyed the grass and tree, about killed all the game for pleasance that the Indians depended on for endurance. By 1871, tenseness a nd struggle between the Indians and the colonists grew even stronger. The white people wanted the authorities to give them entree to Indian land while the Indians wanted the authorities to maintain their word, follow the pact, and protect their lands. In order to run into the demands of the white people, the federal authorities decided to hold a new policy. The policy was to hold no more pacts with the Indians. They were no longer be considered as independent states. Hostile Indians were to be captured by the US ground forces and set in Indian reserves. If they resisted to travel to a reserve they were considered hostile. To do it easier to direct all the Indians to the reserves, the authorities urged white huntsmans and sportswomans to kill off the American bisons. This was the most of import game that the Indians depended on to populate. Between 1872 and 1874, white huntsmans and sportswomans killed about four million American bisons, go forthing about 150,000 ( Brash Pgs. 62, 66,67 ) . Reservation life was awful for the Indians. Most of the Indian reserve were wasteland. They were inhabitable. Indians were frequently expected to farm on these barren, which was rather impossible. Indian Reservations became crowded as more and more American indians were being pushed and moved off their ain land. Another job was that the Indians were frequently sent to reserves that were non suited for them. For illustration, the Navajos, Indians who live in the hot desert, were sent to a reserve across the state to Florida. And the Sioux Indians, Indians who lived in the cool fields, were sent to reserves in the desert of New Mexico. The hapless and crowded conditions on the reserves caused lifelessly diseases to distribute and caused 1000s of deceases on the reserves. Many of the Indians became fed up with reserve life, and left. Many folks formed impermanent confederations with each other to salvage themselves. They were successful at the Battle of Bighorn in 1876 where they defeated General George Custer. Even though they were winning, this merely angered the white people even more. Armies were doubled as a consequence of this. As they lost conflicts, they found it more hard to contend on ( Billard Pg. 338-339 ) . Every clip they were defeated, all their properties would be destroyed. They would hold been lucky to populate. In 1890, Chief Sitting Bull and his 300 guiltless staying Indians were massacred by the US Army in South Dakota. As a consequence of this, many Indian folks gave up hope and surrendered. At the beginning of the twentieth, there were about 250,000 Indians in the United States. The Bureau of Indian Affairs was formed under the Department of War. The duty of the agency was to see that the best involvement of the Indians were served and to make up ones mind what those involvements were. But the Bureau was made up of white males. They were frequently bias towards the Indians. This hurt the Indian civilization and future coevalss because now the end of the agency and federal authorities was to educate all Indians and do them bury their old ways and traditions. Slowly, they were seeking to wipe out the Indian traditions and civilization off. The new coevalss of Indians were taken off to get oning school. They were non allowed to talk their native linguistic communication. They were forced to pattern Christianity. They were told that their Indian heritage were non approved by American society ( Billard Pg. 341-384 ) . As of today, Indians still live on reserves. They do non hold to pay revenue enhancements. The American Indians today are good treated. They are considered Americans today and have equal rights merely as any other ethic groups in the United States. Although the American Indians are treated every bit today, they were non treated every bit for the past 200 old ages. The white work forces came across the sea and invaded their land. All they could make was ticker and seek to contend back, but that did non work for them. The future coevalss were greatly affected by this because the sad events did non let them to hold every bit many chances and easiness to larn about their roots and tradition.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Biology 12 Independent Study Unit Essay

Biology 12 Independent Study Unit Essay Biology 12 Independent Study Unit Essay ISU- Phase 1: Outline of Study The topic I chose is the Effects of Smoking and Second Hand Smoke on the Lungs. I believe this topic is important to study because we encounter smoking on a daily basis. If one is not smoking themselves, then they are exposed to second hand smoke in their environment. Smoking in today’s society is the norm and cigarettes are easily attainable. This prevents people from being cautious of the damage caused by smoking cigarettes since they believe the misconception that illegal drugs are worse than cigarettes for your health. Many believe that there are few consequences of second hand smoke; however the continuous exposure to these chemicals shows long term effects on the human body. It is important to be aware of one’s surrounding and the possible repercussions of second hand smoke. I feel this is an important topic because due to the drastic increase in cancer in our world today (either hereditary or caused by the environment), we must be made aware of ways to avoid preventable cancers such as lung cancer. I aim to learn more about how my grandfather’s excessive smoking in his 40’s for 15 years contributed to his lung cancer and as a result, his death. I have been informed that the lack of technology and qualification of the doctors in Pakistan may caused the cancer to be overlooked in its early stages which may have prevented his death. I also aim to learn more about protecting myself from second hand smoke, specifically since my tenants smoke in the house and I am exposed to the chemicals from the cigarettes that travel through the heating system. The limits within which I will investigate this topic is the early diagnosis of lung cancer using modern technology, the treatments that follow the diagnosis, and the preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the chance of getting this type of cancer altogether. The biological impacts on the body as a result of smoking and second hand smoke and find stats talking about how the chance of disease increases Phase 2: Review of Literature and Bibliography Author: The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Year: December 2010 Title: Smoking and Lung Cancer in Canada Publishing

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Academy Expansion Programme And The Newly Implemented Free School Essay

The Academy Expansion Programme And The Newly Implemented Free School Programme - Essay Example This report declares that school in British cities that experience overt poverty and social deprivation are likely to register significant lower examination success rates compared to schools in wealthy areas. Various government institutions and other related non-government often gather statistical data regarding nature schools in different cities. The kind of data gathered often include pupil teacher ratios, exclusions, number of pupils eligible for free school meals, unauthorized absenteeism and average class size and the figures normally vary in different social contexts. For instance, data from British inner city school often record a high percentage of the number of pupils eligible for free school meals. This essay makes a conclusion that schools in inner city areas have been found to be one of the most challenging areas for teachers. A number of reasons have been indentified to explain why schools in British inner cities are challenging and records below average examination pass rate. According to the Chief Inspector for Schools David Bell issues for inner city schools revolves around high pupils’ turnover, lack of adequate investment, difficulty in recruiting staff and low confidence from the immediate community. For instance, majority of teachers work in inner cities for limited period and then leave for less difficult working environments. There is no doubt that the trend of poor academic performance recorded year after year in disadvantaged areas particularly inner city areas has been a major policy issue in England for policy makers. For instance by the late 1990 at least 500 schools in both British and Wales inner cities were considered failing schools owing to their in ability to meet acceptable nation academic performance. Data gathered in 2001 indicated that paltry a fifth of pupils in disadvantaged areas on average could achieve five GCSE passes at grades A*-C compared with 50% nationally. In fact schools are currently being forced to turn into academies as in the cases of Downhills Primary in Tottenham, north London, and in the London borough of Haringey (Harrison, 2012). Poor performance is a long established patter in inner city schools taking into consideration that poverty presents a barrier to children education because they are caught up in a major interplay between learning and dealing with the tough social and economic problems. There is a strong link between education attainment and poverty in the sense that a more socially disadvantaged the community served by a school the higher the probability of the school appearing to be underperformer. Another major problem with inner city schools is the fact they perform poorly in inspections b y OFSTED (Lupton, R 2004: 1). An OFSTED inspection, which is often carried out at least once every four years on all school and those with unsatisfactory performance are described as having â€Å"a serious weakness†. Such schools with unsatisfactory performance are often put into a special measure to assess if they are â€Å"failing or are likely to fail in providing pupils with acceptable standards of education.† Despite strong evidence, demonstrate that broader social policies will contribute significantly in reducing the attainment gap between the pupils in inner cities and high-end

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

'At the end of the day, competition is the only thing that motivates Essay

'At the end of the day, competition is the only thing that motivates the theories revisited' - Essay Example t to entice the new customers, build partnerships with stakeholders and remain steadfast in lobbying for the sake of their respective business enterprises. All of this adds up to the smooth working mechanisms which an organization undertakes within the midst of ever-growing and ever-present ‘competition.’ The manner in which this competition is given a new twist is dependent a great deal on the ways adopted by the individual employees – in solitude as well as in the form of groups and teams. At the end of the day, competition is the real instigator for change, and a true motivator. Nothing else can beat the hype created by a competitive environment and the users are, rest assured, quite wary of this very tussle. As a matter of fact, motivation comes about within the thick of things when there is competition to bring about the value which the customers are looking towards at having. This motivation is exponentially increased when the organizations understand the very quotient of change happening within the dynamics of business undertakings and processes. Quite rightly so, competition brings in the metaphor of change – a change which eventually promises to motivate the organizational players into giving in their very best. Whether or not this motivation is enough to reap results, and that too of an effective level, this remains highly dependent on the motivation which is being brought about by the realms of competition and competitive activities. The different theories of motivation thus take into account the element of competition coming into their domains. This means that motivation comes about when there are competitive levels doing their very best and thus bringing about a solid ch ange within the dynamics of processes and norms which are relevant with respect to business regimes. Organizational philosophies have long banked on the premise of motivation and if its instigation is happening from the competitive levels, one can be sure that this is not a

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dancing in a Winter Wonderland Managing Stakeholders Case Study

Dancing in a Winter Wonderland Managing Stakeholders - Case Study Example There are different theoretical approaches to stakeholder management in an organizational context. They are; agency theory, transaction cost economics, competitive theory, institutional theory, stakeholder theory, and network theory. In the context of event management, it is worth considering the stakeholder theory and the network theory. The stakeholder approach deals basically with groups or individuals who can affect the performance of an organization and whose interests are taken care of by the management (Freeman, 1984; Frooman 1999) Power, legitimacy and urgency are identified as the basic attributes of stakeholders (Mitchell et al 1997) The network approach talks about the positions of different actors created by the links among them. (Thorelli, 1986) A different kind of social relationship among actors is assumed in the network analysis (Galakiewicz, 1996) Thus actors, activities and resources are the basic concepts in a network (Johanson and Associates 1994) The actors in th e network own and control resources and carry out activities by combining resources (Sharma, 1993) While stakeholder theory is mainly static the network theory deals with the dynamic process involved in changing the network. Thus event management encompasses the basic elements of both of these theoretical approaches. Therefore it becomes important that the event is conducted skillfully so that it becomes valuable to all the stakeholders. One of the most cited reasons for the failure of any event is the lack of resources. Lack of resources can be identified by the inability of the event management to attract more sponsors and donors. Thus the success of the events depends largely on the support from stakeholders. This adds to the proposition that the event managers should manage the relationship with the stakeholders more efficiently. The literature on event management has established the relationships between the management of events and the stakeholders (e.g. Getz, 1997; Watt 1998; Long, 2000; Lvendahl, 2000) However it needs to be mentioned that there is no documented evidence of the application of the stakeholder theory in the event management contexts (Reid & Acordia 2002)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Stakeholders

Corporate Social Responsibility Stakeholders This particular paper is based on the stakeholders perspective towards a CSR. The arguments in this paper include the stakeholder theory, stakeholders and CSR relations and finally the stakeholders perspective on CSR. Corporate social responsibility has evolved as a global phenomenon that encompasses businesses, consumers, governments, and civil society, and many organizations. There are various definitions proposed by various researchers for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), but still it remains an uncertain and is poorly defined with few explanations. First, the issues that a CSR must address should be easily interpreted so that it includes virtually everyone and everything. Second, with its unique, often particular characteristics, different stakeholder groups tend to focus only on specific issues that they believe are the most appropriate and relevant in organizations corporate social responsibility programs. Thus, the beliefs about what constitutes a socially responsible and sustainable organization depend on the perspective of the stakeholder.  This will be further elaborated in the later parts of the paper. Defining Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders Although the most basic of definition CSR describes it as a social obligation for an organization (Bowen, 1953), which is conceptually and operationally diverse. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Making Good Business Sense  by Lord Holme and Richard Watts, used the following definition (Mallens CSR blog). Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. Stakeholders are described broadly by Freeman and Reed (1983) as any identifiable group or individual who can affect the achievement of an organizations objectives or who is affected by the achievement of an organizations objectives. In other words, a  person,  group, or organization that has direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can affect or be affected by the  organizations  actions,  objectives, and  policies. Key stakeholders in a business organisation include creditors, customers, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws its resources. Although stake-holding is usually self-legitimizing (those who  judge  themselves to be stakeholders are stakeholder), all stakeholders are not equal and different stakeholders are entitled to different considerations. For example, a companys customers are entitled to fair trading  practices  but they are not entitled to the same consideration as the companys employees. Stakeholder Theory As noted previously, the term stakeholder stands for concerned constituencies who are affected by or able to affect a corporation (Freeman Reed, 1983). Stakeholder as an umbrella term for groups with a vested interest in an organization includes customers, employees, business partners, communities, investors and the environment. The theoretical framework of this paper reflecting stakeholders perspective is thus based primarily on stakeholder theory. Stakeholder theory of the firm proposes that the nature of an organizations stakeholders, their values, their relative influence on decisions and the nature of the situation are all relevant information for predicting organizational behaviour and outcomes (Brenner and Cochran, 1991). The objectives of a corporation can only be achieved by protecting and balancing the interests of these different groups of stakeholders. The pluralistic nature of stakeholder theory is based on the notion that there are many groups in society besides owners and employees to whom the corporation is responsible (Freeman, 1999). As a descriptive theory, stakeholder theory has been used to describe the nature of the firm (Brenner and Cochran, 1991), management of corporations, and how board directors think about the interests of corporate constituencies. From an instrumental perspective , the theory is used to identify the connection between stakeholder management and the achievement of corporate social responsibility (Kotter and Heskett, 1992). In this respect, the theory can be regarded as a perspective of the firm that focuses on the question of which stakeholders deserve or require management attention. Concern for Stakeholders The concern for stakeholders by corporate leaders is expected to have a significant influence on the formulation and implementation of a firms strategy (Frooman, 1991). Such a concern will also have significant impact on how the strategies an organization uses to deal with multiple stakeholders will change as the organization evolves through the stages of formation, growth, maturity, and decline or revival. This will provide a relevant framework for assessing the roles, rights, responsibilities, and legitimacies of different actors in the interaction between organizations and their environment (Freeman, 1999). The concern for stakeholders by corporate directors has some important implications for corporate governance. Corporations can be more responsive to the interests of society as a whole by incorporating the participation of stakeholders in their boards of directors. The stakeholder approach to the role of the governing board expects the organization leaders, such as corporate di rectors, to negotiate and compromise with stakeholders in the interest of the corporation. Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility The prevalence of stakeholder theory is grounded in the belief that CSR-stakeholder relationships are the essential assets that corporates must manage. While CSR aims to define what responsibilities business ought to fulfil, the stakeholder concept addresses the issue of whom business is or should be accountable to. Both concepts are closely inter-related. However, while the CSR concept still suffers from a level of abstraction, the stakeholder approach offers a practical alternative for assessing the performance of firms as well as the key stakeholder groups. Stakeholder theory has accordingly witnessed a new revival and dominance in the context of CSR. Brenner and Chochran suggested as early as 1991 that stakeholder theory holds the promise of becoming the theoretical centre-piece in a field that is searching for workable paradigms. Doh and Guay (2006) similarly find the adoption of a stakeholder model as a potentially appropriate and insightful theoretical lens, given its ability to systematically identify social stakeholder issues, and establish specific measures of performance. An organizations stakeholder management data can thus be gathered and compared to other firms within and across industries, making social auditing for internal and external use both practical and possible. Along these lines, this paper has tried to make the case for a stakeholder approach to CSR, by arguing that: (1) Stakeholder theory in all its three veins or branches can bring to the fore a set of new insights for CSR academics and practitioners; (2) The language of stakeholder theory is easy to grasp by corporates as most firms understand and define obligations and responsibilities as well as their traditional stakeholders; and (3) Stakeholder theory seems easier to plan in collecting and analysing CSR data as evidenced by the proliferation of empirical studies that have essentially integrated a stakeholder approach to CSR. It thus increasingly represents a concrete alternative to traditional models. It is also noticed that the stakeholder management is affected by the relational attributes of stakeholders and the pressures they can exert on corporations, while also noting the increased proficiency of corporates in balancing a broader range of stakeholder interests. CSR in the Stakeholders Perspective Corporate now has spent decades to promote not only a firms economic but also a social responsibility. This challenged a discussion in corporations what corporate responsibility should be. In the past, the CSR approach was useful to foster these important discussions and thus it is important to analyse it from different perspectives, for what CSRs should be responsible. It seems that the CSR responsibilities are not very promising to understand real-world situations for three main reasons. First, the concept of CSR itself is not distinguishable as most decisions of businesses are not purely economic, legal, ethical, or philanthropic. Consequently and by agreeing with Freeman (1994), the separation of economic and social responsibilities to which the CSR approach contributes is rejected. Second, another argument raised by Freeman (2004) against the CSR concept comes in the form of a risk that business could treat their CSR activities as moral substitutes to compensate for other irresp onsible activities. And third, we argue that the general responsibilities implied by the CSR approach cant neither account for the specificity of an individual firm nor for the specific stakeholder network where it is embedded in. Summing up, it can be claimed, similar to Freeman (2004) that corporate responsibility should refer to a firms strategically relevant stakeholders. Thus, mainly the instrumental framework of the stakeholders view, that sees strategic stakeholders as the core of corporate wealth creation. Within the stakeholder view, stakeholders can be defined as all individuals and constituencies that contribute, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to its wealth-creating capacity and activities, and are therefore its potential beneficiaries and/or risk bearers. Based on this definition the stakeholders can be distinguished in four categories: benefit-providers/receivers and/or risk-providers/bearers. This comprehensive stakeholder perspective not only considers resource-based (e.g. employees, investors) and market-based stakeholders (e.g. customers, business partners, competitors) but also social and political stakeholders (e.g. government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) media). The stakeholder view framework is used here because its normative core i.e., a comprehensive understanding of property rights is one of the most important principles of our society (Friedman, 1970). The stakeholder view enhances the idea of property right to not only those parties who provide financial resources but also to all those that contribute other firm-specific investments such as knowledge, networks etc. We argue that such a consideration of stakeholders as those individuals and groups that contribute to the firms wealth creation process can serve as a useful foundation for thinking about corporate responsibilities. It is thereby important that this wealth creation process is not viewed in a one-sided fashion from the corporations perspective, but also from the stakeholders perspective. The corporation is only legitimized in its existence if it creates wealth for and with its strategic stakeholders. Therefore in the stakeholder view, the origin for the responsibility concerning firms stakeholders is based on their existence and position within the corporate wealth creation process. In the stakeholder view, the stakeholders ought to participate because corporate wealth distribution is organized according to the stakeholders contributions and their risk adoption in the wealth creation process. Similar to the shareholders who are compensated for the use of their capital and the risk involved, all other relevant stakeholders ought to be included in the wealth distribution. After the expenditures have been compensated according to the complete contracts, a residual profit emerges from which not only the shareholders, but also all other strategically relevant stakeholders should benefit. In reality, the assessment of all these values is not necessarily predetermined. Rather, scopes of discretion exist, as can be experienced in determining the compensation of shareholders. Thus, the dissemination of residual profits to the stakeholders is subject to scope of discretion. Summing up, the stakeholder view claims for a corporate responsibility that takes into account stakeholders contributions to the corporate wealth creation process. Therefore, the firm is responsible to reduce risk and increase benefits for stakeholders at one side but also for a fair distribution of benefits at the other side.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

War on Terror Essay -- American History, Patriot Act

On september 11, 2001 there was an attack on America. Four airplanes were hijacked, two were crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, the third crashed into the Pentagon in D.C. and the fourth got stopped by a passenger. It was the first terrorist attack on the U.S. soil. Thousands of lives were lost that day. This attach was the most devastating act of belligerence on U.S territory since the Civil War (Terrorism, 2011). This even had an enormous influence on America and its history. It led to numerous short and long term effects. On September 20, 2001, former president George W. Bush announced publicly that he declares â€Å"War on Terror†. After this announcement, our country has altered. To determine if an effect was positive or negative, determines on the view point of the person. Some of those effects include; USA Patriot Act, creation of TSA, the War, and issues soldiers have after combat and health problems of Ground Zero. However, if the effects w ere positive or negative, it still made a massive mark in our country. One major organization that was created from the attacks on September 11th that lead to the declaring â€Å"War on Terror† was the creation of TSA, Transportation Security Administration. TSA was created to develop policies to protect airport transportation and prevent aircraft hijacking. It oversees security for highways, railroads, buses, mass transit systems, pipelines and ports. Though they are mostly responsible for screening passengers and checked and carry-on luggage at about 450 airports. Different types of TSA employees are; Transportation Security Officer, Federal Air Marshal, Transportation Security Inspector and National Explosives Detection Canine Team Program. (Security, 2010) T... ...a federal office of homeland security to prevent the nation of future terrorist attacks (September 11, 2006). After September 11th and the declare War on Terror every person of power tried doing whatever they could to help protect our nation. There is no doubt that after this powerful event, important things started to dwindle (September 11, 2006). Some major issues were our economy weakened, unemployment increased, and our recession worsened (September 11, 2006). Airports had it the worse, they had to face bankruptcy, there insurance increased and they had to undertake costly overhauls of their security systems September 11, 2006). War on Terror affected our nation greatly, in different way someone was hurt by it. People tried fixing it and picking up the pieces, but some things just can’t be fixed. Time is the only way our nation will recover.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Africa’s Political and Economic Problems and How to Eliminate Them

The picture of Africa has long been depicted as one with Africans who are malnourished and dying from disease and starvation. This is in irony for Africa being the second largest and second most populous continent in the world very rich in minerals, gold, diamonds and other natural resources. Much of these unsightly images of Africa can be attributed to the political and economic factors that attributed much to its poverty and political unrest.As such, Africa’s political and economic problems are herein enumerated and discussed so as to be able to evaluate and eliminate the aforementioned factors that contribute to Africa’s plight as a continent in poverty and distress. This, with the objective of determining the best possible solutions so as to give sustainability, if not prosperity to Africa that has long been needed and sought for by its people.Africa’s Political ProblemsAfrica has been suffering from the turmoil of instability, corruption, violence and author itarianism since colonial period. Although there are a number of African nations today that are under republic governance with forms of presidential rule, only a few have been able to take advantage and sustain democratic governments.This can be attested by several leaderships that failed to give the people their power of sovereignty and freedom in what can be called misguided democracies.   An example of such leadership abuse happened during the 35-year-rule of Mobutu Sese Seko as head of a â€Å"democratic† government   in Zaire (renamed Congo in 1997) when he and his ministers sold and pocketed the lucrative mining rights to Zaire’s substantial cobalt, nickel, and diamond mines (Payne & Lee).Africa’s Political and Economic ProblemsAfrica has also been suffering from civil wars, violence and crimes as violence is being used as a mechanism for resolving disputes and for bringing about change. Both colonial and apartheid regimes used violence and repression to maintain power and some degree of social order, and on the other hand, opposition movements resorted to violent tactics as a means to attain political change (Rauch).Moreover, violence and crimes have been resorted to during transition periods of repressive, authoritarian governments to more democratic forms of government. For example, following the dramatic reform announcement of   State President F.W. De Klerk , the transition in South Africa was marked by extreme social conflict and violence which can be attested by statistics of more than eight South Africans dying daily as a result of political violence (Rauch).Conflicts and political violence are also triggered or aggravated by poverty in Africa, along with racial and ethnic division, and a culture of political intolerance. Many African states have also cycled through series of brutal coups and military dictatorships. The number of coups and politically motivated crimes are appalling. The period from the early 1960s to th e late 1980s for example, saw more than 70 coups and 13 presidential assassinations in Africa.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Importance of the English Language Essays

The Importance of the English Language Essays The Importance of the English Language Essay The Importance of the English Language Essay Brazer Bozlak 03113623 2011-07-20 LA 202 – OL8 The importance of the English language The English language is finally accepted as the universal language of the world and stands today as the common means of communication among members of different countries, cultures and communities. Moreover, English is also the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology, banking, computing, medicines, engineering, tourism etc. It is understood and spoken almost everywhere in the world and it has become the key instrument of globalization. The English language is the common global language and it is very clear in many cultures that English has become more dominant around the world, a dominance that is growing for each passing day. As a result, English is widely taught around the world as a second language today, the amount of native English speakers might not be large when compared to Spanish or Chinese, but it is the common communication language spoken around the world and almost every single university in the world are conducting scientific studies trough English medium. Although, there is a lot of people around the world today that won’t admit how important English for the world I’m one of those many that understands the importance of the English language. Most people in the world agrees with what Alexander v. Sandoval claims in his essay â€Å"The importance of English† on www. eagleforum. com , â€Å"English is becoming the worlds language of the 21st century † he says and gets supported â€Å"Most of the worlds population, about 70% speak English or know him. And more than 80% of all stored information in the world is written in English or translated into it. Foreign language skills, and in particular the English are a good tool in work, school, on vacation, when building a career or promote your own business. The man who speaks fluent in English, will not get lost anywhere in the world where there are people. † (billionmindsfoundation). There are facts about English which would encourage people to learn English, †There are more people in China learning English than speaking it in North America over 200 million. English is the official language of a third of the worlds population and a working language for half the worlds population. Of the worlds four most numerous languages, Chinese, Hindi, Arabic and English, the latter owes its position uniquely to its use as a second language. A part of this pattern is the increasing reach of English in continental Europe where 91% of all secondary schools teach English and 65% of young continental Europeans claim to speak English reasonably well. † (English, The working language of the global village) English used to be a relatively unimportant language around 450 AD, when a set of Germanic tribes (mostly the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) moved from their homelands in what is now northern Germany to what is now England. Old English was widely spoken on the island in the centuries that followed, lost status when the French-speaking Normans conquered England, and slowly regained status in the late Middle English period. At this point, still, English was just one of many languages. It was generally less respected than Latin or french among scientists and theologians, for example. It was not until the period of Early Modern English, a period also known as the Age of Discovery that English really began  to gain status. The new country England began to establish colonies around the world and exported its language and governing systems so that it could import what it wanted, e. g. spices and rare woods and also for a while, slaves. The Early Modern English period witnessed the first time that English was spoken around the world, but still it was not nearly as widely spoken as it is today. Englands and Americas triumph in the World War 2 tok the globalization of English one step further and the languages importance for the world has grown for each passing day since then. Being the second language choice for non English speaking people today all around the world is a evidence of how important it is for people to learn English. It is the language people speaks when they don’t know the language of the country they are in and even countries such Frenca and Germany have given up. Alexander v. Sandoval says in his essay â€Å"The importance of English† published on Eagleforum. com â€Å"In multilingual continental Europe, a fierce battle over language popularity appers to be ending with English as the standard for the 21st century. and â€Å"The Germans have given up trying to persuade more Brits to learn their language and, instead, are now promoting English as the language of the 21st century, with lessons for children as young as six. Germanys leading newspaper produces an eight-page English edition and declares that English is going to be the lingua franca of the next century. †. Even though it does not and will probably never hav e an official status, English is the accepted universal language on the Internet. English is typically the language of the latest-version applications and programs. Even though progresses has been made in language translation online it is very difficult if not almost impossible to properly translate each and every webpage or program into a specific language. Even manuals, installation guides and products sheets of electronic and entertainment devices are usually first available in English. With this information in mind along with that Internet is becoming very important in our daily life’s, in commerce and also in education makes the English language bounded to grow. Thus the importance of the English language is underlined. English is today the standard language for businesses and industry, knowing English can be the key that unlocks enormous amounts of job opportunities. Many companies aim to become as successful as possible in their industry, which leads them to start working internationally and this makes the employers require superb English communication skills of the employees in order to deal with suppliers or contacts all across the world. Knowing English is not a guarantee to have a well paying position in the future but it is definitely a really good help on the way. The growth of English has been huge since the World War 2 and it might not take long time before English will be a single language of the world like the single currency and the union of various nations. It is, after all, spoken by more than 300 million natives speakers, between 600 and 800 million foreign speakers. It is the common language of air transportation and shipping, science, technology, computers, and commerce, and a major language in education and publishing. For these reasons, good English communication skills is important in order get on board on the 21st centuries train. : v. Sandoval, Alexander. The importance of our English Language Eagleforum. 1 May 2001. Web 20 July 2011. ( eagleforum. org/psr/2001/may01/psrmay01. shtml) General. English: Universal Language Billion Minds Foundation. 12 July 2001. Web 20 July 2011. ( billionmindsfoundation. org/english-universal-language/) Watson, Alan. English: The working language of the global village? Lord Alan Watson. 2010. Web 20 July 2011. ( lordalanwatson. com/english2. htm)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

John F Kennedy essays

John F Kennedy essays a) John F. Kennedy: raised in a wealthy and political family, whose mother was the daughter of the congressman and mayor, John F. Fitzgerald and gather was an ambassador to Great Britain from 1937-1940. Kennedy enrolled into the navy during WW2, won a seat in congress and won a Pulitzer Prize for Profiles in Courage. He suffered from back pain and Addisons disease, which had to be treated with cortisone everyday. He promises many citizens of the United States a leadership to get America moving again b) Flexible response: President Kennedy really wanted to set his mind and plans on changing the nations nuclear strategy. So. Kennedy didnt want to use the nuclear weapons for a minor problem between the Soviets, Kennedys consultants developed a policy called the flexible response. In the nations view this meant that the nations conventional forces had been mistreated during the building of the nuclear arms. This policy increased the defense spending and produced a branch called the Special Forces. Kennedy hoped to liver the risk of any nuclear war, which almost came close over the island of Cuba. c) Fidel Castro: a revolutionary leader in Cuba, which declares himself as a communist who greeted the Soviet Union with open arms. Castro wanted more power, which in 1956-1959, led to a guerrilla movement to trample down the dictator, Bastista. Many Americans portrayed Castro as a freedom fighter, but as the US and Cubas relationship became troubled. Castro took action by uprooting trade barriers against Cuban sugars. In which instantly, Castro relied on Soviets help for aid and political tyranny. d) Berlin Wall: Kennedys willpower and Americans advantage for nuclear striking power wanted to stop Khrushchev from closing down from the air and land between West Berlin and East Germany, On August 13, 1961, East Germans decided to build a concrete ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Homeland Security #5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homeland Security #5 - Essay Example Lastly, we will have in place a team, specially picked to tackle cyber security issues. Such a team will collaborate with other teams so as to ensure that there is proper information sharing among various levels. A team of fire personnel will have the responsibility of accessing and reporting buildings and areas containing hazardous materials. Besides, they will undertake the detection of weapons of mass destruction, observing and detecting symptoms of exposure. They will also do evaluation of physical integrity of buildings (Gartenstein-Ross & Kyle). The team of police officers will be responsible for development of community policing philosophy and training of officers to support these efforts, analysis of terror issues, and development of partnerships with other external bodies to enhance security and the collaboration with the department of homeland security (Docobo). The mayors will be the ones to take command of any incident reported via 911, coordinate the warning or evacuation of affected areas, assessment of the situation and putting out any request for help to the state and federal agencies (Federal Emergency Management Agency 23). They will also ensure that local agencies are harnessed to coordinate the rescue efforts. Health workers will have the responsibility of monitoring various aspects of health of a given area, diagnosing and investigating any health or environmental health issues and educating and empowering people on specific health issues. They will also ensure that the state and local partnerships are mobilized to identify and solve issues before, during and after the event. The monitoring phase will be preceded by emergency planning. This will help in ensuring that each team is aware of their responsibility in the event of an emergency. The teams should also be prepared to perform their functions and this will necessitate a range of training activities (Gartenstein-Ross & Kyle) so as to give them the required

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Rapid dissemination of images has had an impact on artists Essay

Rapid dissemination of images has had an impact on artists - Essay Example Artists who are not affiliated with any major companies find comfort in the Internet as an effective channel to distribute their labor of love to a particular niche (Poole and Le-Phat Ho 5). Pool and Le-Phat Ho mention that a survey in England reveals that art enthusiasts â€Å"explore† art materials online than those who are not interested at all (5). With this idea, it is significant to discuss postmodern artists and the impacts of digital technology to their works. Shepard Fairey. He is the man behind Studio Number One and is the well-known publisher of Swindle Magazine (Heller and Talarico 117). More than the common affiliations, Fairey bleeds art, as he started making artworks for shirts and later on to another medium since he was in college. His designs are of course authentic, making them in balance between quantity and quality (Heller and Talarico 117). In one of his artworks, Fairey expressed his stance over the rapid dissemination of the images of artworks with the advent of digital technologies. Particularly, he criticized existing laws concerning copyrights of artists to their artworks (Taylor 172). Fairey campaigned for a copyright law to be passed in the United States that is applicable in the present era. Fairey’s campaign is a manifestation of artists’ â€Å"anxiety† over copyright infringement (Taylor 172; Sullivan 41). The present media culture suggests it being an â€Å"open-source† of anything that can be stored and retrieved in there (Boomen et al. 271). Fairey fought for artists’ rights over their own work. He understood that there must be some acknowledgement of originality among breakthrough artists in the digital field. With this in mind, Fairey understands â€Å"new spatial heterotopias,† which suggest that there is actually a difficulty in delineating space and physical landscape in art (Boomen et al. 272). Sherrie Levine. Rephotography is her

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Consider the state of the American Public School System. Put forward Essay

Consider the state of the American Public School System. Put forward an argument on the topic.Can you suggest a solution - Essay Example However, the decentralization makes it difficult to deal issues pertaining to school reforms (William J. Reese, 2). The current public educational system is piled up with issues not just pertaining to classrooms or corridors but resulting in the failure of American public education system. This failure cannot be made accountable to the performance of the students but the entire system that is responsible for the declining performance. (John Hood, Volume: 43). Many factors were being considered to hinder the public education like money or funds, poverty, class size, teachers, salaries of teachers, student’s performance and teachers unions etc. (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 3) increasing the rate of drop outs and unqualified students for future. Even today certain percent of unskilled and drop out students exists which increases the relocation of more qualified professionals from outside the country. Considering the growing competition parents coming from a middle or higher cl ass prefer to educate their children in private funding institutions that provide high standards of education while vast numbers of lower class children attend public schools. Funds: People assume that lack of funds has resulted in failure of public educational system which is a myth. ... unds while improved nutritional programs like arrangements of breakfast or lunch increased the expenditure to an extent, added to these issues the â€Å"no child left behind† policy is yet to be met (Amy Richards, 24th October 2011). Teachers and Unions: Teachers have their unions to support and protect them no matter how incompetent they are while their â€Å"tenure† guarantees the job safety until retirement without considering their performance. They are given salaries with no rewards of excellence and are not penalized for their poor performance due to which every teacher performs the same (B. Awesome, 30th May 2011). Training needs to be provided to those under performing teachers to improve their ability to teach. Teachers who lack to improve their performance levels even after rigorous training should be removed while qualified and hardworking teachers can bring reform in the public education system to certain extent should be provided with a performance based wa ges and incentives. Society Influences: Many students who tend to drop out of high schools are not skilled enough to work in a technologically advanced workplace. Those who have dropped out of high school earn less salary than students who graduated from high school. Dropped out students usually live in poverty and depend upon welfare (Jay P. Greene, James Q Wilson, 95). Societal influences like poverty and bad parenting also results in poor performance. Successful public schools are in the area where the rich and wealthy reside, while worst or unsuccessful public schools belong to the areas where poor families live (Valerie Strauss, Washington Post). Children dealing with poverty can afford to attend these unsuccessful schools where they are not provided with proper resources. Class Size: Some believe

Monday, October 28, 2019

Evolution of Capitalism Essay Example for Free

Evolution of Capitalism Essay Capitalism is an economic process in which the means of production are privately owned; supply, demand and price are generally formed by market forces not by an economic planning; and profit it is distributed to holder of means of production who invest in businesses. Capitalism also refers to the process of capital accumulation. Evolution of Capitalism Economists mostly focused on the degree that government does not have control over markets (laissez faire), and on private property rights, while most of political economists focused on private property, wage labor, class and power relations. It is clear that there is a general statement that capitalism encourages economic growth. The present collapse of the global economy puts a serious question such as: Is current economic arrangement fundamentally sound, needing only slight correctives, or has it reached its restrictions, requiring fundamental rethinking? American economic thinking for the last 35 year has been a hijacking of the evolutionary growth of capitalism that could offer sustainable economics. The word â€Å"economics† comes from two Greek words, oikos or â€Å"house† and nomos, â€Å"one who manages,† so etymologically economics has a wide meaning, incredibly like â€Å"concerned for the household. † The reason of our economy is to be concerned for our ordinary household, what are the principles that should direct our modernism? Sufficient care for the national household must give at a minimum: †¢ A job for everybody who can support a family †¢ Good quality education for each of our children †¢ Sufficient universal health care †¢ Essential safety for old age or in the occasion of unemployment or illness, and †¢ Environmental sustainability. Monopoly Capitalism A large part of capitalism is determined by monopoly. The term monopoly has always been a feature of capitalism and capitalist competition presumes monopoly. This capitalist competition has further led to the centralization and concentration. For Marx: Capital is here directly endowed with the form of social capital (a capital of directly associated individuals), as distinguished from private capital, and its enterprises assume the form of social enterprises as distinguished from individual enterprises. It is the abolition of capital as private property within the boundaries of capitalist production itself. - ( as cited by Mattick, 2010) The monopoly capitalism made a pathway for a Socialist society. Lenin argued The socialist society as a huge factory steered by the state. â€Å"There are surplus of manufactured goods, of labor, and of farm produce: â€Å"always too much, but never too little†. (Baran Sweezy, 1966). One of the discussed solutions was to cutting the production whereas other was in favor of stimulating demand, The price cut for the surplus can result to vanishing of the over production where consumers and manufacturers would benefit. However this would have consequences on the overall viability of the industry (Baran Sweezy, 1966). Banking Capitalism In any world financial system market, banks hold a very important position in money manufacture and speculation. Banks are the only most significant mediator for indirect money across the world. The securities (such as stocks and bonds) market is also another important ubiquitous presence for direct finance. However, usually growths and gains in importance ‘Pari Passu’ with financial growth; in common, the higher the per capita income, banks securities play higher source of the business investment and it also make clear that securities engage greater economic risks than bank loans. If we take a case of America than its economic has became more dependent on securities than on bank for business development. Due to large form of pension, mutual funds American estimated to be shareholders in way or the other. As being a developed country American financial industry development is world most famous and undisputed leader in innovation in certain areas of the securitization and derivative and due to this American market securities rapidly grow and in this respect American capitalism called as securities-market capitalism. If we look on other case like Japans financial industry which is actually remodeled on the American system right after world war II, Japans financial industry dominated American banks that Japanese-style capitalism characterized as bank-loan capitalism, particularly in light of the relatively in corporate bond market. Bank loan have been dangerous in Japans economic growth in the postwar era and paradoxically because of this banking whole Japanese economy was affected. Any continuous deployment of economy needs increased finance. There is two possible solution exist. a) To borrow from overseas by running current- account (CA) and CA is domestic saving CA deficit-based finance. This however makes hot global money. b) To create credit through countrys banking system and with the help of central banks, central bank-based finance [Ozawa 1998]. Central bank-based finance entails the risk of rise if prolonged praise is used for nonproductive reason such as expenditure and speculative investments. It needs direction and judicious management of the banking industry by both the government and the central bank concerned. There are two methods of financing capital configuration for economic growth: (1) Selling equities (stocks) and (2) Borrowing by issuing debt instruments (bonds and other securities). These two alternatives guide for growth of the securities market development. In the early postwar era, initially stock market played very important role as a source of funds for corporate in Japan, but soon after some time Japan overwhelmed by bank loans. This was clearly reflected that Japans high-growth era(1950-1974) for all industries and its declined from 26. 9% in 1950 to 16. 1% in 1970 and manufacturing declined from 31. 4% -19. 95% over the same period [Caves and Uekusa 1976: 479]. Central bank based finance, the bank of Japan (BOJ) pumped funds into Japans city banks, which extended industrial loans to their self groups of corporation and this group known as the bank-let kinyu keiretsu. There are six kinyu keiretsu that competed vigorously in arranging a set of chemical industries and this kinyu keiretsu is also know as the main bank system [Aoki and Patrick 1994]. In addition, Japans postal investments agenda played a very important part in financial intermediation. At the time of high-growth period of 1950-1973, nearly one-third of total private investments were captured by the administration in the form of postal investments financial records. In fact, Japans postal savings system called the worlds largest bank [Brown 1986, 128]. It has more than 20,000 post offices throughout Japan, in that mostly are in rural agricultural regions. It means that â€Å"there are more postal savings windows than in all the branches of Japans city hanks combined [Brown 1986, 128]. Under heavy regulations, Japans banking institutions are also compartmentalized into particular actions and markets (e. g. , division of the lending business from underwriting of, separation of short- and long-term finance; securities and the trust business; and trading in separation of markets by size of customers and banking system of city and local bank). Money Manager Capitalism At the beginning of 2009, the world faces the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. Possibility of depression were talked everywhere. there was a huge loss of jobs in the end of year 2008. Minsky always insisted that there are two essential propositions of his â€Å"financial instability hypothesis† (See Papadimitriou and Wray 1998 for a summary of Minsky’s approach. ). The first is that there are two financing â€Å"regimes†Ã¢â‚¬â€one that is consistent with stability and the other in which the economy is subject to instability. The second proposition is that â€Å"stability is destabilizing,† so that endogenous processes will tend to move a stable system toward fragility. There is small hesitation that the world faces the nastiest economic disaster since the 1930s, with a little economists and policymakers beginning to speak concerning the option of a depression. Keynesian economics references are ordinary, with only committed liberal marketers quarrelling against administration involvement. Still the wizards on Wall Street are begging for re-regulation of fiscal markets. The Obama government has projected present year federal budget deficits at $1. 75 trillion (12% of GDP) and $1. 17 trillion for 2010—although some private forecasters project $1. 9 trillion for 2009, representing 13. 5% GDP and it is clear that it will not fall till next year. If anything, prospects facing the rest of the world are worse. The Federal Government has become the worldwide lender of final resort, providing up to $600 billion in loans of dollar reserves to foreign central banks. The run to relative security in US treasuries has endangered exchange rates, increased risk and spreads around the world. Political and Social unrest is scattering around the periphery nations. Randall Wray considers that the US has at its sufficient policy space to decide its crisis. Mark Thoma has called for international coordinationa good thought, but one that Randall Wray panic has little political hold. Euro-land will not enlarge its economy out of fear that markets will run governments debts. All sorts of explanations preferred for the reason of the crisis: lax regulation and omission, growth of inequality that uplift households to borrow to support spending, greed and illogical enthusiasm, and extreme global liquidity—spurred by easy money policy in the US and by US current account deficits said to overflow the world with lots of dollars. Hyman Minskys work has enjoyed extraordinary interest, with many calling this a Minsky Moment. R. Wray calls it the Minsky half-century in recognition and its seeds of crisis were planted 50 years ago. A paper from the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College confirms that money manager capitalism is the basic cause of current global financial crisis. â€Å"The current stage of capitalism is dominated by highly leveraged funds seeking maximum returns in an environment that systematically under-prices risk. We must return to a more sensible model, with enhanced oversight of financial institutions and with a financial structure that promotes stability rather than speculation ( Randall Wray,2009). † Conclusion As it known economists always focused on the degree and does not like government control over markets (laissez faire), which mean no interference of government in market policy and as well as on private property rights, while on the side most of political economists focused on private property, wage labor , class and power relations. It’s clear that there is a general statement that capitalism encourages economic growth. The recent collapse of the global economy puts before us a serious question such as: Is current economic understanding fundamentally sound, needing only slight correctives, or has it reached its restrictions, requiring fundamental rethinking? American economic thinking for the last 35 year has been a hijacking of the evolutionary growth of capitalism that could offer sustainable economics. If we see large part of capitalism is determined by monopoly. The term monopoly has always been a feature of capitalism and capitalist competition presumes monopoly. This capitalist competition has further led to the centralization and concentration. Even Alexander Gerschenkron [1962] observed that rising countries are tended to became reliant on institutional arrangements rather than a market, especially in finance and industrialization. Japan growth depends on central bank-based finance in which bank play important role in capital formation with keiretsu groups. References:- Baran Sweezy, Monopoly Capital. available at http://skeptically. org/socialism/id13. html, accessed at May 25,2010. Boaz, David. 2005. â€Å"Defining an Ownership Society. † www. cato. org/special/ownership_society/boaz. html, accessed at May 25,2010. Borger, Julian. 2005. â€Å"Hurricane aid used ‘to test out right-wing social policies’†, The Guardian UK, 22 September. , accessed at May 25,2010. Bernanke, Ben S. , â€Å"The Great Moderation†, speech given at the meetings of the Eastern Economics Association, Washington, DC, February 20, 2004; www. federalreserve. gov/Boarddocs/Speeches/2004/20040220/default. htm, accessed at May 25,2010. Black, William. 2005. The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One, Austin Tx: University of Texas at Austin, accessed at May 25,2010. Cassidy, John. â€Å"The Minsky moment†, The New Yorker, Feb 4, 2008, www. newyorker. com, accessed at May 25,2010. McCulley, Paul, Saving Capitalist Banking from Itself,available at www. investorsinsight. com/ /saving-capitalist-banking, accessed at May 25,2010. Mattick, Paul,Chapter 4: On the Concept of State-Monopoly Capitalism,Available at http://libcom. org/library/economics-politics-and-the-age-of-inflation-mattick-four, accessed at May 25,2010. Ozawa, Seiji, The rise and fall of bank-loan capitalism: institutionally driven growth and crisis in Japan Journal of Economic Issues, (June 1999),available at http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa5437/is_2_33/ai_n28733724/? tag=content;col1, accessed at May 25,2010. Wray L. R. ,The Death of Money Manager Capitalism? ,(April 15, 2009). Available at tpmcafe. talkingpointsmemo. com/ /the_death_of_money_manager_capitalism, accessed at May 25,2010. Wray L. R. ,Money Manager Capitalism and the Global Financial Crisis (September 2009),available at http://www. levyinstitute. org/pubs/wp_578. pdf, accessed at May 25,2010.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effect of Violent Television on Young People and Children

Effect of Violent Television on Young People and Children Violent Television Affect Children and Adolescent’s Behaviors INTRODUCTION According to Sujala S.Nair and P.E Thomas (2012)†Violent can be defined as something which is intended to hurt or kill or it can be just physical or emotional force and energy.†Television program has a big influence in our life. The violent act in the television program can be a powerful influence in the children and adolescent’s behavior. This is because children unable to distinguish violent act in television program is harmful for them. This may seriously cause the development of their childhood. Unfortunately, nowadays much of television program is include violent act. According to many studies report, violent cartoon television program will make children who under the age of 7 may imitate cartoon violence because they may not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. As of 1990, the average of American child aged 2 to 5 years was watching television over 27 hours per week. This may cause the children watching the violent television program will influence them. This might not be bad if the children understood what they are watching. However, mostly children are unable to distinguish fact from fantasy in all the television program. In the minds of children thinks that television is a source of entirely factual information regarding how the world works. When they get older, they may know better. But the earliest and deepest impressions were put down when the child were saw the television as a factual sources of information about a world outside their homes where violence is a daily commonplace and the commission of violence is gener ally powerful, exciting, charismatic, and efficacious. Serious violent is mostly erupt at the moments of severe stress and it is precisely at such moment that adolescents and adults are most likely to their earliest, most visceral sense of what violent is and what its role is in society. Most of this sense will have come from television. Another background for children with aggressive behavior are beginning in the mid-1960s, psychologist Leonard Eron and colleagues followed a group of children they are eight years old then observing their behavior. The study, one of the most extensive ever done, would span three decades and uncover some of the strongest evidence that too much TV can harm children. Not only was there is a relationship between watching violent television program were more likely to be the ones identified by teachers and friends as a aggressive kids in school. When revisited at ages 18, researchers again found that the aggressive behavior is related to the early television viewing habits of the children. Finally, the 30 years old adults are related between aggressive behavior and TV viewing habits again observed. Actually, researchers reported proof that tied television viewing habits developed early in life to arrests for violent crimes. Be just like violence act have been seen on TV contributes to agg ression. Equivalent, non violent television program are containing messages of tolerance and cooperation can inspire pro-social. In addition, another one is about the person who studied the influence of television program by observing by 100 children. The children were separate into three groups. One was shown Batman and Superman cartoons then the second group is shown Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Then the last group are shown neutral program with neither violent or pro-social messages. Once again show that the relationship between violent act in TV program and aggressive behavior was apparent.The result show that the children exposed to the Batman and Superman cartoons were more likely to get into fights, play roughly, and break toys. On the other hand, children who watching Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood tended toward positive behaviors and dislike classmates who watched the superhero cartoons. Furthermore, they were more likely to show sensitivity, offer help to teachers. play cooperatively and express concern about other children’s feelings. The problem is because of the acceleration rate of cases in violent TV influence children and adolescent’s behaviors such as violent crime. Television violence has the greatest potential for both short-term and long-term effect upon children. In light of all the situations where children are affected negatively by viewing violence, there is a need for a study of the effects of television violence on children. The effect of violent television program on children and adolescent’s behaviors is poorly understood. The objective of this research is to collect data for analysis and interpret the result that can know more in detail about the effect of violent act in television program on children and adolescent’s behaviors. Research Question 1. Do you think that violence act on television show will make children act violently  after watching it? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2. Do you think children can be protected against violence on TV? Yes ( ) No ( ) 3. Do you think that school violence is influenced by the television program? Yes ( ) No ( ) 4. Do you think restrict children watching TV can reduce children influence by violent television program? Yes ( ) No ( ) 5. Do you think violent on television is a problem? Yes ( ) No ( ) Literature Review Nowadays, television has become as a indispensable device in our daily life. Almost everyone has at least one set of television at home. Television has a big influence in our life especially for children. Violent act in the television program can be a powerful influence in the children and adolescent’s behavior. This is because children unable to distinguish violent act in television program is harmful for them. This may seriously cause the development of their childhood. Bandura (1965) claimed that children can learn new behavior in one or two ways. They would learn it by direct experiences through trial and error or by observing and imitating others social environment. Children who are emotional, behavioral, learning or impulse control problems may be more easily influence by violence television. Children watching violent television program can make them more aggressive. Furthermore, children also may leave fearful or make them less sensitive to real violence and its consequences after watching violent television program. The three potential harmful effects of expose to television violence are the learning of attitudes and behavior, desensitization are because of all the exposure to television violent. Therefore, children become desensitized to violence and perhaps a tendency develops on violence in their own lives to solve problems According to many studies report, violent cartoon television program will make children who under the age of 7 may imitate cartoon violence because they may not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Cartoon violence meant for a youthful audience as opposed to animated films for adults such as Heavy Metal are tend to involve minor acts of violence. Although many violent cartoon meant for youthful consumption contain comedic elements but some of the cartoons just portray the violence. Presence or absence of comedy during violence is important consideration when evaluating the effects if viewing cartoons on children or youth. Watching violent cartoon or any violent television program are affects children’s attitudes towards violence. If children watching too much of violent television program may affect the ways a person thinks and behaves later in life, even as an adolescent and adult. The effects may be long-lasting. Children who watching violence movies or any violence TV program at young age are more easily to become aggressiveness and criminal behavior at later years. According to a longitudinal study (Huesmann, 1986) have the a same sample of chidren were tested over a 22 year period. The researchers measured the television viewing habits and aggressive behavior at three different stage of age in time which is when the participants were 8, 19 and 30 years of age. The research are show the relationship between exposure to TV violence at age 8 and self-reported aggression at age 30. Therefore, children watching violent television program on the early childhood were significant predictor of the seriousness of criminal acts performed at about age 30. In conclusion, early childhood television habits are correlated positively with adult criminally independent of other likely causal factors. Methodology The focus of this preliminary of this research was primarily on analysis about the violence television program affect on children, adolescent and even adult. A detailed questionnaire was developed aimed at determining the effect of violence act in television program on children. Five question are used to determine predictor or impact variables. These are show in page ( ) . The first three questions asked about the children after watching violence television program can make them change to violence behavior even at older age and children can be protected against violent on TV or not. Moreover, the fourth question are asked about the restrict children watching violent TV program are the best choice to reduce cases of children, adolescent’s violence behavior. The fifth questions are asked about the thinking question as the violent on television program are the problem to children. The questionnaire are used the methods is internet surveys. While these methods is clearly the most cost effective and fastest methods of distributing a survey. References: Steven J.Kirsh( 2005). Cartoon violence and aggression in youth. Retrieved from: Sujala S.Nair and P.E Thomas( 2012). A Thematic study on the cause and effects of Television Violence on Children. Retrieved from: Slotsve, del Carmen, Sarver,and Watkins (2008) .Television Violence and Aggression. Retrieved from: